Chapter 22

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~ Morgan's POV~

After that, Connor and Jai met up with us and we went to the venue place. I was on my phone, Twitter to be more specific. Somebody walked up behind me but I didn't notice. "Why are you reading hate?" Connor asked grabbing my phone. I quickly reached for it but he held it in the air. "Connor. Please." I said reaching for it. "Morgan. Tell me please." Connor said grabbing my arm dragging me to the girls bathroom. He locked the door after everyone was gone from it. "Tell me please." Connor said sitting on the sinks. "I don't know why I read it, Connor. I just do." I said wiping my face. "I never knew you were this depressed." Connor said wrapping his arms around me. 'I'm sorry." I said crying in his shoulder. "It's alright, Morgan. Nobody should be hated on." Connor said making me pull away. I wiped my face and was glad I wore waterproof makeup. "Look Morgan, before I met you, I sent you a nice tweet daily telling you that you're perfect and I love you. You retweeted one of them out the 3,000 I sent you. Morgan, you're one of the prettiest and truest girls I've ever met and I've only known you for a day. Don't read that bullshit." Connor said hugging me once more. I nodded and we walked out of the bathroom.

"Thanks." I said as we walked. "No problem. So you and Jack hmm?" Connor said bumping his elbow into mine multiple times. I blushed and nodded. "I'm in love with the idiot." I said while laughing. Connor laughed and I felt someone cover my eyes. "It's not nice to call people idiots." JJ whispered into my ear. "Sorry." I said sarcastically as Connor met up with everyone. Everyone was introduced to everyone so it wasn't super awkward. "Guys, when does the show start?" Matt asked standing up. Bart walked through and glared at Connor and Jai. "Show in 5. Morgan, come here." Bart said walking into the hall. I stood quickly and glanced at the squad. I pulled a face and followed Bart. "Who are they and why are they here?" Bart asked calmly. "They make vines. They're pretty well known." I said to Bart-lying. "Okay." Bart said, sending me back into the room. "Okay, so Bart thinks Jai and Connor are well-known viners so we need to get y'all popular. I assume you got vine?" I said making them all nod. I went on twitter and blocked Bart. "Guys block Bart before you tweet about them." I said while tweeting about them.

In the five minutes we had, we got Connor and Jai to a total of 1M followers. "Okay so you guys are actually well-known so woo." I said while we got ready. "Have fun back here guys! You might even get surprised." I said winking while Mahogany called me. I waved and waved to the boys before running on stage. I hugged Delilah and sat down on the couch. "Wassup homeslices." I said waving. Delilah plopped down beside me and wrapped an arm around me. "Alright, so basically we'll be playing truth or dare because we're rad." I said causing girls hands to shoot up. "Okay, um Mahogany, pick a person." Delilah said causing Mahogany to smile. "Okay, the boy in the black hoodie." Mahogany said. A security guard went and got the guy. "Hello." I said smiling. I stood up and pulled him into a hug. Delilah and Mahogany did the same before we sat down. "What is your dare?" I asked him. "I dare Delilah to lick Mahogany's foot." He said, being escorted to his seat. Mahogany took off one of her shoes and held it up. Delilah slowly put her head next to Mo's foot before I pushed her onto her foot. "Oh my god." Delilah said sitting up quickly. I laughed loudly before sitting back down.

We continued to play before the boys came out. "Jack." I yelled running towards the bae and jumping up, hugging him. Jack quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "I love you." I whispered in his ear while he sat me down. "I love you." Jack said causing me to smile. I walked back to Delilah and leaned against Mo's DJ booth. "Goals." Delilah said causing my brother to turn to her quickly. He opened his arms and Delilah ran to them and Jack lifted her. "Goals." Mahogany said. I smiled at her and opened my arms. Mo hugged me and I lifted her and twirled in circles. Mahogany and I were laughing as I sat her down, dizzily. "I love you, Mo." I said making her smile. "I love you too, Morgan." Mahogany said hugging me. "By the way, Jacob's been staring at you for a solid 10 minutes." I whispered to her making her blush. "Thanks." Mo said pulling away once more. We continued the show until my fat self was hungry so we went to get food.

Once we finished eating, we went to the hotel and discovered there was a public roof. We went up there and hung out for a little bit, before Connor and Jai's mom called for them to go back to their hotel room. It was around midnight when they left. "Text me." Connor whispered in my ear, hugging me bye. I nodded and hugged Jai. "Bye guys. See you later." I said waving. "I'm gonna head done to bed guys. Goodnight." I said standing up from JJ's lap. "I'll go too, night guys." Jack said standing up behind me. Jack and I walked downstairs and into our room and I got my pajamas on quickly. I hopped into bed as Jack locked the door and turned out the night. Jack slowly climbed into bed before kissing me softly. "Goodnight. I love you." Jack said kissing my lips again. "I love you. Goodnight." I said before falling into unconsciousness.

The next morning I woke up and Jack was sleeping soundly. I kissed Jack softly before getting out of his grip. I walked to the bathroom and quickly got a shower and got dressed. I walked out and saw Jack was waking up. "Babe, I'm going to Mahogany's." I said kissing him. The kiss lingered for a moment before I pulled away, a sleepy Jack waving goodbye. I walked out and walked down the hall, knocking on Mahogany's door. Mahogany answered it, her hair wild under a beanie. "You ready?" She asked me, letting me into her room. "Yes." I said excitedly. Today, Mahogany was dying my hair. We were doing the tips so it would be ombre. I'm pretty excited. Mahogany led me to her and Jacob's bathroom and I waved at Jacob who was laying in bed on his phone. He smiled and waved back and Mo and I began dying my hair.

Once we were done, Mahogany blow dried my hair. "And we're done." She said before I looked at my hair. I squealed and hugged Mahogany. "Thank you so much oh my god I love it." I said loudly. Jacob casually walked in and smiled. "It looks good." Jacob said making me smile. "Thanks, Jacob." I sadi hugging him. "I'm going back to bae. Love you Mo. Bye Jacob." I said hugging them one last time each. I walked down the hall and walked into Jack and I's room to see Jack still asleep. I laid next to him and wrapped my arms around him. "Jack babe. Wake up." I said putting my face in his neck. Jack rolled me on top of him and put his hands on my butt. "Jack." I said putting a hand to his face. "Morgan." Jack moaned pulling me farther onto him. He put my legs to the side so I was straddling him. "I love you." Jack said pulling my lips to his. "I love you aswell, look at my hair." I said taking it down from the bun. "It looks beautiful." Jack said running his fingers through my long hair. "Thanks." I said blushing.

Jack sat up making me fall back before he sat me up. "Morgan, I have to tell you something.." Jack said nervously. "I coughed slightly and nodded for him to go on. "Um,, Bascally Jack and I are quitting Magcon with the rest of the boys. We're all going different ways and well... Jack and I want you to come on DigiTour with us." Jack said making my heart break. "We're breaking up? The family?" I said tears rushing down my face. "No babe. It's not like that. Some of the boys will visit but Bart and management are lowering our salaries and it's not fair." Jack said wiping my face. "I'll go with you and my brother." I said placing my lips onto his. "Thanks babe." Jack said smiling at me.

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