Chapter 10

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~Morgan's POV~

"MORGAN!" was all I heard. "What." I said opening my eyes seeing Jack J's face directly in front of mine. "Get up." Jack said kissing my nose. I looked at the bedside table clock and noticed that we slept for a whole day. It was now 10:30 AM. "Fuck." I mumbled snuggling into the blanket. Jack's arms were still wrapped around me and I put my hand on his stomach. My head was on his chest and he pulled me into him. We laid in bed for a hour until the crew came to our room. Some of them had dyed hair and some were normal. "Hey." Aaron said sitting on Jack's bed along with the other boys. Jack G sat at the end of my bed and played on his phone. I waved at Aaron and he smiled at me. "I'm hungry." I said groaning a little bit. There was a few "me too's" and "same's" thrown around and I got up. "Let me get dressed and we can go get food." I said picking out an outfit. I walked into the bathroom and got dressed, leaving my hair wavy/curly. I walked out of the bathroom and Johnson walked in so he could get dressed. I sat down next to Aaron and we talked until Jack came out of the bathroom.

"MCDONALD'S" was screamed from Aaron and I. We high-fived each other and sassy walked out of the room flipping our hair. Aaron is probably one of my best friends. He's just really chill and adorable. I heard the room erupt into laughter and Aaron and I laughed slightly. Everyone walked out of the room and we walked into the elevator. I pulled out my phone and was going through Instagram when Delilah slapped me. "Bitch what." I screamed causing a few people to laugh. I looked around and they basically vined that. "Do we have a show or meet and greet today?" Shawn asked leaning against the wall. I shrugged along with basically everyone else. "We're so boring in real life like what is this." Taylor said causing me to laugh. "Same." I said going onto my phone sitting on the ground. Johnson sat down next to me and grabbed my hand. I know what you're all thinking, why are the elevator rides so long? Well I don't know. We're on the top floor and shit.

"Ow, shit. Do I have a cold sore? Fuck." I said putting my finger on my lip. Johnson looked at me and shook his head and kissed my cheek. "They're so cute." Cam said taking his phone out filming Jack and I from the floor. Cam posted the phone tagging us in it causing our phones to buzz. I went back on Instagram and took a selfie with Jack, quickly posting it before standing up with Jack and walking out of the elevator. "McDonald's." Aaron and I said running towards the car that we had Bart pull up to the front of the hotel. We ran past fans waving at them. We hopped into the car and we were in the way back. I was hopping in my seat and Aaron was vining me. "Morgan Gilinsky on her way to McDonald's." Aaron said putting his phone in my face. "Hi." I said in a creepy voice. Aaron laughed and I laughed slightly, jumping. We pulled into the drive-through and I shrieked causing the crew to groan.

"Morgan do you want the usual?" Cam asked from the front seat. Everyone basically knows what my usual is. "Yes please." I said getting excited. Cam ordered for everyone from the drivers seat and we all got passed our food. I got my two McChickens, fries, and milkshake and began to drink my milkshake eating the occasional fry. We soon got back to the hotel and we brought our own bags up to Nash and Cam's room. I jumped onto Cam's bed and began to actually eat everything. "Do we have anything tonight?" I asked them and they nodded. "Show." Mahogany said eating her fries. She got a big mac and fries with a shake. I nodded and ate one if my McChickens. I drank some of my shake and ate the rest of my food. We were all done by now and we left for the show. Honestly, Bart isn't that bad. He's been decent to me for a while, since Jack and I began to date. The thing is, if he decides to be a bitch to me, I'll be off the tour.

I was called on stage by Mahogany and I ran on stage. I left my backpack backstage today after Delilah asked me to. Delilah was called on stage before me. "Hey guys. You're all so beautiful I'm jealous." I said sitting on the ground. "Aw." Delilah said sitting on the ground, closer to the crowd. She's a rich girl, and it's gone too far cause you know it don't matter anyways My phone began to ring. "Excuse me." I said putting the phone up to my ear. "Hey mommy." I said into the phone. "Hey honey. Why's there yelling in the background?" My mom asked clueless into the phone. I laughed. "Mom, I'm in the middle of a show." I said into my phone. "I'm sorry. Put me on speaker real quick." Mom told me. I put my phone on speaker and my mom spoke, "I'm sorry you guys. I totally forgot about time zones. Morgan I'll call you in the morning. Love you." I smiled and told her I loved her too. My mom hung up and I laughed.

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