Chapter 14

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~ Johnson's POV~

        Morgan and I walked down to Nash and Cam's room to hang out with the guys today. Mahogany, Delilah, and Morgan were of course gonna be there. My ex-girlfriend Mallory texted me while we were chilling with Sky and the rest of them where on the phones listening to music. "I'll be back guys." I said walking out. Mallory was down the hall in front of my room. "Hi." She said happily. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "Can we talk?" Mallory asked me pointing to the room. "Fine." I said as we walked in. "I miss you." Mallory told me. "I miss you too. But I'm dating Morgan." I told her smiling slightly. "Oh." Mallory said looking at the ground. "Hey. Don't be sad" I told her sitting on my bed patting it. She sat down and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Jack. I still love you." Mallory told me looking at me. "I still love you too but I really l-" I was interrupted by Mallory kissing me. I didn't know what to do but I found myself kissing her back. I wrapped an arm around her waist and we stood up. "Jack." I heard Morgan whisper. I quickly pull away from Mallory and saw everyone, including Sky, standing there. Sky looked like she wanted to kill me, along with basically everyone else.  Morgan walked out of the room and Shawn, Aaron, and Hayes followed her. "What the hell man?" Jack screamed at me.

       "I- I. I don't know man." I told him as tears welled up in my eyes. Skylynn walked towards me and began to whack my legs. "Why did you hurt Morgy?" Sky yelled at me. Mahogany and Delilah came up and grabbed Sky from hitting me any longer. "Dude." Jacob said shaking his head. Delilah, Mahogany, Sky, Carter, and Jacob all left the room talking about me. "What the fuck." Matt said staring at me. I looked down as tears began to flow down my face. "Dude I don't see why you're crying. You cheated on one of the prettiest girls in the world." Taylor told me causing me to sigh. "I know I did. It was a mistake." I told them wiping my face. "I gotta punch you man." Jack said cracking his knuckles. "Go ahead man." I told him. Jack punched every guy Morgan has ever dated. Jack raised his fist and I saw Morgan, Shawn, and Aaron walk past. Jack punched my jaw causing me to back up slightly. "More." I told him. "What?" They all said confusedly. "Keep hurting me. Please." I told all of the guys. "All of us?" Cam asked. "Yes." I said nodding. Cam slowly came up to me and kicked my ankle causing me to fall on the ground. The guys continued to beat my ass for about thirty minutes when they left. "Mallory. Leave please." I told her. "Let me help you first." She said. She got a bunch of things and began to clean off my face. I had a busted lip and bruises all over my body. There was a knock on the door and Mallory quickly answered it. "Hi Morgan. What do you need?" Mallory said happily. I then heard the most beautiful voice say, "Shut the fuck up" Morgan walked in and I sprung up. "Don't fucking talk to me." Morgan said holding her hand up. "It was an accident." I said to her swallowing the lump in my throat.

          "Jack, I don't care if it was an accident. I'm done with you" Morgan said grabbing her two bags. "Just forget we ever dated." She said causing my heart to break and my eyes to fill with tears. "I can't forget the best thing in my life."  I choked out. I began to sob honestly. "You shouldn't have hurt the best thing in your life then." Morgan said walking out of the room. "Where are you going?" I sobbed. "Shawn and Aaron's." She said walking out of the room. Once Morgan was gone, I began to ask Mallory to leave. "Mallory, I need some space. Please leave." I told her wiping my face. She groaned and walked out into the elevator. I sobbed loudly and I saw Morgan walk faster. I walked back into the room and took a shower. Once I got out I checked my phone and saw that Morgan tweeted that we broke up. I quickly shut my phone off. Someone knocked on my door causing me to say, "Go away please." Matt and Carter walked in and sat on Morgan's old bed. "Dude, why would you kiss Mallory?" Carter asked me. "I don't know. She texted me asking to come to my room and she asked if we could talk in the room. She told me she missed me and I missed her too, but I was dating Morgan. Then she told me she loved me and I told her I still loved her but while I was trying to say that I love Morgan more, she kissed me. I didn't know what to do so I kissed her back. I love Morgan guys." I said crying.

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