Chapter 4

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~ Morgan's POV~

"Morgan Gilinsky." Was called by Mahogany as I ran on stage. "Whats up ladies and gentlemen." I said into the mic, looking through the crowd. I saw a bunch of crying girls and smiled even bigger if that's possible. " Okay, you guys are deciding what I would be doing in the next 10-15 minutes or so. The guys are all backstage getting ready to come out in a bit." I said walking towards Mahogany. " Lox and I will be picking some of you to tell me what to do and ask questions whatsoever." I said leaning on Mahoganys table. " Can I pick first?" Mahogany asked me. I nodded and she started walking towards the crowd and was looking through girls and the occasional boys raising their hands screaming. Mahogany picked a blond haired blue eyed girl. " Who is the cutest boy in Magcon."She asked me." Um I would have to go with Hayes." I said into the mic smiling. " Aww I love you too." He lifted me off the ground and started spinning me causing me to laugh.

" Okay my turn to pick one of you guys." I said walking forward. There was a small girl raising her hand waving it slightly. I pointed towards her and pointed at her so the security guards could see her. " Can you sing us a song, please?" She said causing a bunch of people to put their hands down also. Screaming filled the room and I turned red. " Um sure, what song." There was a bunch of suggestions but one stood out. " I'm warning you guys I have never sang in front of anyone not even Jack or Jack.". I said while walking towards Mahogany's booth. " What song, Sugar Plum?" She asked and I smiled and told her. " All of Me, By John Legend."

~Jack Johnson's POV~

" Can you sing a song for us, please? I heard one of the girls ask. Everyone's heads shot up in interest as Morgan said yes. We all ran to the side of the stage. " Guys, I hear her in the shower. She's gonna embarress herself." Jack G. said. " Hey, she wont be that bad." I said standing up for Morgan. " Only cause you love her.' Jack said. " Shut up, man." I said looking out onto the stage seeing Morgan whisper to Mahogany. Morgan picked up her mic from the table and drank some water. She cleared her throat loudly into the mic before saying. " I'm doing All of Me by John Legend." Screams were heard all throughout the venue. Morgan lifted up the mic to her mouth fully and waited for her cue.

" What would I do without your smart mouth?" She began sining causing everyone to drop their mouth open, including me. She continued singing the song until she came to the end. I ran out on stage with the guys and picked her up in to a hug." Oh My God, that was awesome." I said settling her down clearing my throat. Morgan blushed and said " Thanks, your awesome too." She looked down and I hugged her tightly. The crowd was awing while the guys took pictures and vines. " I'm sending this to mom." Jack said walking past texting his and Morgan's mom. Morgan blushed more and hit his head. "Ow." He said rubbing his head. "Can you let go so I can continue the show?" She asked looking up to me. I laughed and let her go, going backstage with the rest of the guys. " Your whipped, man." said Matt patting my back. " I know." I answered.

~Morgan's POV~

" Okay, now what?" I said into the mic. "Story time?" I asked the fans causing them to cheer. I nodded and started a story. "Okay, one time when I was in kindergarten and the jacks were in 1st, our mom took us to 7/11. We all go large slushies and when we had arrived home, we were running up the steps of our house. Jack G. had called the bean bag, Jack J. called the chair, and I was screaming " I got the bed." Well I tripped and the drink went everywhere. Sadly, I started crying while both Jacks started laughing." I said dying of laughter all throughout the story, as was the crowd. "Okay girls and boys, it time for our boys to come out, SO GIVE IT UP FOR THE MAGCON BOYS." I shouted into the mix and saw all the boys running out onto the stage.

" That was so much fun."bi shouted walking into my room. " Are you gonna tell us now?" Cameron asked motioning towards himself and Mahogany. I nodded and said, " Let me get in my pajamas first." I picked out my pajamas and walked into the bathroom. I hurried and changed not wanting Cameron and Mahogany to wait so long. I ran my fingers through my hair and walked out into Mahoganys and I's room. " Tell us girl." Cameron said spreading out on my bed. I sat down on him and streched out my feet. " Okay, so it all started freshman year. I had these two friends, fuck they were bascially my sisters. Their names were Emily and Amber. I had a huge crush on um.... eh... someone and I told Emily about it. I didn't fully trust Amber because she was a gossip girl. Emily told Amber and Amber tried going out with him. he was stupid so he said yes and Amber broke him really hard. I was the one who confronted him and tried to make him feel better. I was once again stuck in the friend zone and still am. Emily has been trying to call me everyday and today she kept apologizing about telling Amber.

" I told her to stop calling me but then she tried doing a three way call with Amber, her, and I which I declined." I finished the story and looked up at Mahogany and Cameron. " Is this Somebody, Jack?" Cameron asked rubbing my back.I nodded and looked down at my hands. " Honestly, Jack acutely likes you. When we were backstage, Jack G. said that you didn't know how to sing and Jack J stood up for you and when you were done singing he was the first one to run on stage and hug you. He's whipped, Morgan." Cameron said making me look up. " He can't like me. I'm just an average girl from Nebraska. Plus my brother would kill him." Cameron and Mahogany laughed. " Are you stupid? God Morgan, your brother is encouraging Jack to ask you out. You aren't average honey." Mahogany said making me smile. " What ever I'm tired, good night." I said falling asleep.

Hey guys,
Sorry for not updating for a while. I had a lot of things to do and think about. I promise I will try to update every other day. love you.
Don't forget to

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