Chapter 12

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~ Morgan's POV~


"We should go get dinner." I said jumping on my bed. It was now only Jack J and I. "Like a date?" Jack asked me catching me from continuing to jump. I giggled and nodded slightly. "Fancy or casual?" Jack asked me sitting me on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "Casual." Jack nodded and stood up. "How about Taco Bell?" Jack asked putting on his shoes. I put my shoes on and agreed with him. We walked out of the room after grabbing our key and locking the door. I grabbed Jack's hand and walked into the elevator. There was an elderly couple in the elevator and we stood there awkwardly. Usually we talk in the elevator but it'll be awkward in front of other humans. "Excuse me. Are you two dating?" The old lady asked us looking at Jack. "Yes m'am." Jack said squeezing my hand smiling at me. "You remind me of my son and his wife. They were best friends for their whole lives." She said looking back and forth between us. "And by the looks of it, you two have been friends for a long time." The older man said before walking out of the now open elevator with his wife. I giggled and kissed Jack on the cheek before walking out with him. We walked out of the hotel and went to the Magcon car.

"I can't drive." I said jumping into the passenger seat after Jack was in the drivers seat we drove to a Taco Bell. We went in and ordered. We got the same thing which was two Doritos locos tacos nacho cheese and a baha blast. We sat in a corner and ate our food while making conversation. This is the thing with Jack and I, we still act as if we're best friends. Except we can kiss each other without getting weird glances. "Do we have a show tonight?" Jack asked me as we walked back in the hotel. I was on Jack's back and I said yeah. He walked into the elevator and Mahogany was in there along with Jacob. I waved at them and they smiled. "You guys should have babies." Mahogany said, walking out onto our floor. I choked and Jack turned red. "No." I said squeakily. "She'll get pregnant and die." Jacob said following Mahogany out, as we slowly made our way out. "We have to go to the lobby in like ten minutes so get ready." Mahogany said running into her room. "I'm ready." I said still on Jack's back. "Same." Jack and Jacob said. We went back into the elevator and went to the lobby.

We waiter ten minutes when everyone came down and crowded out of the door. I laughed as Jack began to trip, but he caught himself before we hit the ground. We walked through the parking complex and Jack sat me on the ground softly. "Some people have to sit in the trunk." Bart said as I climbed into the back seat. "Me oh my god." I said climbing over the seat excitedly. I hit my face on the ground but I played it off like the cool kid I am. Mahogany and Delilah opened the trunk like normal people and got in, closing the door. Once everyone was in the car Bart began to drive to the show place. It would take fifteen minutes to get there so I pulled out my phone. I went on Vine and put my headphones in. I watched a bunch of Vines and decided to listen to 5 Seconds of Summer. I was listening to Good Girls are Bad Girls when everyone began to get out of the car. Delilah, Mahogany, and I were waiting for someone to open the trunk but they never did. They walked into the back of the building so they wouldn't get mobbed and then the Jack's ran back. They opened the trunk door and I climbed out.

"Gee, thanks." I said sarcastically walking with the group. I walked quickly to catch up with the rest of the group and I slapped Carter. "Ow. What was that for?" Carter asked turning towards me holding his cheek. "You forgot us in the fucking trunk." I said slapping his arm. "Ow. Stop." Carter said, Aaron turning towards us. I glared playfully at Aaron. Honestly, Aaron is the type of person you could never be mad at. He's too adorable. I jumped onto Aaron's back and he stumbled slightly before wrapping his arms around my thighs. We quickly did sound check and were waiting back stage. Mahogany was the first one called on stage because she announces us. Everyone was called except me because I'm always last. I don't know why but it's probably because Bart hates me. I don't give a motherfuck. I was called on stage and I rolled over the back of the couch like the ninja I am and ran into a wall. I played it off and walked on stage grabbing a mic from Bart. "Thanks." I told him nodding slightly. He nodded back and I walked to the front of the stage. "So basically I rolled off the back of the couch like the ninja I am." I said looking around the crowd. Aw there's a little girl. "But I may have kind of ran into a wall but I played it off because I'm cool like that." I said walking over to the ouch tat was placed in the middle of the stage.

I sat down and then Aaron sat next to me. "What's up?" I asked him looking at him. I wasn't speaking into my mic as it was sat next to me. "Nothing." Aaron said leaning back. "Who thinks Mahogany should sing for us?" I asked the crowd causing the to scream. "C'mon Lox." I said to her smirking. "Only if you sing with me." Mahogany said walking towards me, away from her booth. "Sure." I said standing up walking towards her booth. I picked out Barbie Girl by Aqua and I danced around. I did the Ken part and Mahogany did the Barbie part. We were all laughing and the crowd was screaming and laughing.We continued the show for about another hour before we went back to the hotel.

Jack and I slowly walked to our room considering it was now midnight. I was exhausted and Jack looked ready to pass out. "Wanna cuddle and sleep?" Jack asked walking into our room after unlocking the door. "Obviously." I said changing into my pajamas. I changed in the bathroom to make that clear. I star fished onto my bed and Jack laughed after taking his shirt and pants off. He pulled on sweatpants and made sure the door was locked. He laid down in my bed and pulled my waist into his. I wrapped my arm around Jack and he put his head in my neck. "Goodnight Morgan." Jack said quietly into my neck causing his words to be muffled. "Goodnight Jack." I said kissing his cheek. He fell asleep quickly and I tried to sleep. I couldn't sleep so I turned on the tv. I put on Criminal Minds and fell asleep after two episodes (two hours)

"Morgan." Jack said sleepily from in front of me. "Hmm." I said opening my eyes. "Mahogany wants you." He kissing me softly. I nodded and got out of bed. I put the blanket back up so it doesn't look weird. I walked to Mahogany's room in my pajamas and knocked on her door. "Hey Morgan." Mahogany answered the door. "Hi." I said walking into her room waving at Jacob. "So what do you need?" I asked her sitting on her bed. "I want us to do an experiment today." Mahogany said. "What kind of experiment?" I asked her warily. "We're going to switch outfits all day considering you dress in black and I wear bright colors." Mahogany said walking to her bag. "Okay." I said from her bed. "Go get the outfit you were going to wear today." Mahogany said. "Can I get a shower?" I asked her walking towards the door. "Yeah. Take this." She said handing me an outfit. I walked back to my room and walked into the bathroom. Jack was sleeping in my bed still.

I took a shower and shaved considering it was a skirt and I don't shave a lot. I got out of the shower and put on the outfit Mahogany provided me. I went back out to my suitcase and grabbed the outfit from the top. I walked back to Mahogany and Jacob's room and knocked. Jacob answered and I walked in. "Mahogany's in the bathroom waiting for the clothes." Jacob said sitting on his bed. I nodded and knocked on the bathroom door. Mahogany peeked her head out and grabbed the outfit. She got changed quickly and walked out with wet hair. Well we both had wet hair because we were making everything look alike. "Really. Why do you wear so much black?" Mahogany asked looking down at her outfit. "I don't know. Now curl my hair." I said walking into the bathroom. Mahogany walked back in and dried my hair and then began to curl it so it looked like hers. "Give me your hands." Mahogany said grabbing black nail polish. "Ooh am I getting your really rad nails." I asked her excitedly. "Yeah. Do you want them filed and everything like mine?" Mahogany asked getting out a nail file. I nodded and gave Mahogany one of my hands.

Mahogany filed my nails down and then painted them black. "Thank you." I told her after she finished. "You're welcome." Mahogany said sitting on the edge of the counter. "Once those dry you have to control my frizz." Mahogany said combing through her hair. I nodded and the nails dried in about a minute. I got out Mahogany straightener and straightened her hair. After that I curled it with loosed curls that look like waves. "There you go." I said finishing her hair. "Thanks." Mahogany said. "I feel like a bad ass." She said as we walked out of the bathroom. I laughed and shook my head. "I feel like I'm going to my grandma's house back when I was still into pink shit." I said walking into my room. Jack was still asleep on me bed and Mahogany nudged me. "Isn't that your bed?" Mahogany asked me. I nodded and Mahogany giggled. I walked towards Jack and softly shook his shoulder. "Jack. Get up bud." I said shaking him slightly. "Okay." He said kissing me before getting up. Jack wasn't wearing a shirt and he walked towards his suitcase and grabbed clothes. "You two look different." Jack said turning towards Mahogany and I. "You're just noticing." I said rolling my eyes playfully. Jack chuckled and walked back into the bathroom and got ready.

"Are we all going to breakfast together or is it us three and Jacob?" Jack asked walking out. Mahogany and I exchanged glances and nodded. "Us three and Jacob." We both said at the same time. I texted Jacob telling him to to come to my room and we're going to eat. There was a knock on the door and Mahogany answered it because it was Jacob. We all exchanged hellos and shit before walking down to the buffet room. I got waffles and fruit and everyone got waffles and something else. We sat at a table with four chairs and we ate telling each other random things that went through our minds.

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