When Was

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Chapter 13

Kinaru: I get the feeling you're all going to hate me for this chapter, yet possibly love me at the same time. So I'm not sure whether to hide behind the couch or not. Please don't come hunt me down!

I hope you enjoy though


She wanted to die. That's all she wanted, she wanted it all to be over. She wanted to be able to meet Itachi in the afterlife. Yuna whimpered softly, curling herself into a tighter ball than she already was. Why did he have to leave her behind? Why couldn't she have died there with him in that rock clearing?

Why had he forced her back into the land of the living? What was there to live for? She grimaced as another wave of nausea washed over her. She was partially thankful her stomach had emptied the hour before.

She didn't have to worry about how far away the bucket was. Though her mystery caretaker tried to coax her into eating, she'd refused, intent of starving to death. Itachi wouldn't be able to stop her this time. She would join him, one way, or another.

He didn't have the power to stop her from dying of starvation, he only lucked out when she tried to die from blood loss or a katana to the heart.

“Kyuubi, I'm beginning to think this is more than a common stomach virus.”

She almost gasped in shock, she could have sworn he had left already. When had he come back? Not that she could see him, her body completely hidden in the den she'd made from the blankets and pillows.

“If you would allow me, I could run a full medical check up. Perhaps even find a way to ease your suffering?” He offered. Yuna could feel his presence on the other side of the blankets.

He was, no doubt, sitting on the edge of the bed, closest to the entrance of her domain. She wondered if he knew she'd clawed into the mattress and used the hole to make her shelter large and deeper.

“No.” She turned her back on the entrance to her little cave, snuggling into her fiery tails.

She just wanted to die, couldn't the man see that? She didn't want to continue living in this damned world, she wanted to join her lover in the next. Was that too much to ask? It was obvious that the answer was yes. She didn't even have to listen to the little voice in the back of her head to know that.

That ticked her off though, why was it too much to ask? People died everyday, why was it that she was barred from her only salvation?

Because you still have a reason to live.

'Itachi!' Her eyes snapped open, as though she expected the raven to be there with her in the blankets, but all that could be seen was the darkness of her makeshift den.

You're supposed to be moving on. Not throwing a pity party in the home of a stranger. He sounded annoyed, but she could tell he was only concerned with her safety.

'I can't...' Tears formed as the kitsune concentrated on her dead lover's voice. 'I just can't... It's too hard...'

When has something being hard ever stopped you? She could almost hear the humorous tone, but it felt dry in his words.

'This is different, mah. You can't just leave me and think I'll fall in love again just like that.' She argued. Damn just hearing his voice, even if it was a figment of her imagination was enough to rip her heart out.

I won't be asking anymore. You have to move on. You'll need someone to lean on soon enough.

She grimaced, her hands clenching as her claws elongated. 'Why? Why are you forcing kyuubi to stay alive?'

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