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Chapter 5

Yuna stared down at the picture silently. It was of Team seven when they had only just formed. The boy, Sakura called Uchiha Sasuke, looked so much like the man she could remember had held and loved her.

She would have thought them the same man, but Sakura claimed she and Sasuke had never been friends. Not that Yuna couldn't remember some of their fights, she actually remembered them quite well. She just remembered the times he protected her more vividly, and when she needed walks home from team business.

He had been nice to her, even if they were rivals in front of everyone else, he had been a friend. The kyuubi traced the picture's frame, looking back at her friend, Sakura had fallen asleep around three. Neglecting to answer the beast's first question on where she had been.

Yuna only knew fragments now. She'd been with the man she'd loved, and others, people who were like family. She could remember her Otou-san getting mad at him, her Okaa-san demanding he keep her safe. What bothered her most on her memories was her inability to remember the names for the faces that made her smile.

She let out a small sigh, it was nearly six, and the nine tailed demon could hear Mebuki beginning to stir. She cradled the picture frame to her, as she laid down beside Sakura. They had pulled her blankets and pillows onto the floor, giving them more room to lay down.

Her ears dropped as she tried to relax her running mind. Her tails flicked with irritation at the disturbance of not being able to fall asleep. Though she remembered not being able to sleep at all when she was younger. The kitsune had come to realize she'd been sleeping much better the last few years.

She was sure she had that man to thank for it. Her face contorted as she remembered her most haunting memory of him. The blood that filled her nose, the pain that ripped at her heart, the shock of killing someone so close to her.

Why had she done it? Why had she done such a terrible thing? He was her mate, how could she go on living after that? A small whimper left her lips as she cuddled into Sakura's arms, though still asleep, the pinkette adjusted to her form, wrapping her arms around the kyuubi.

Tears pricked at her eyes as she tried to understand, and who was that man watching her as she held her love? Had he been there the whole time? Was he her partner? Had this been a mission she'd fallen in love with?

Had she'd been ordered to spy on then assassinate the man? But ended up losing herself to his love? Yuna shook her head, pain sparking in her chest, had he killed her, when he found she still loved the target, even after death? Had he been a past love? Someone who had been overcome with jealousy when she fell for the man she was ordered to kill?

Yuna grimaced, rolling out of Sakura's hold before her nails sunk into the pillow she'd rolled to face. She forced her mind open, sending herself back to that memory. She had to know. She needed to know who the two men were. She needed to know her lover's name.


The kyuubi felt a sudden wave of emotions slam into her, as she found herself in a rocky terrain, the ground had been broken up by some great battle. She assumed it to be her own doing in trying to kill the man she loved. Yet her past body showed no signs of a fight.

Her body turned, with tears filling her eyes, as she looked to where she could see two men. Her heart lurched as she saw the man she loved body's crumble to the ground. Her past body winced as it hit the wall before tumbling to it's back.

Yuna screamed mentally, as pain overcame her, what was happening? Wasn't it she who had killed him, and the look he'd sent her and her past form's way. It felt like he was staring right into her very soul. Tears fell stronger than she'd ever imagined they could, the liquid was red like her fur, trailing down her face to stain the ground.

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