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Since Harry saw Louis for the first time a week ago he couldn't think of anything else than him. He didn't know what it was, maybe it was his looks or the way he had looked at him but either way he haunted Harry not only when he was awake but also in his dreams. He had burned himself into his brain and Harry was slowly going crazy so he was glad when Liam and Zayn had asked Niall and him to have a lads night at Zayn's. He just wanted to let loose for once and distract himself.

He was just getting ready when Niall poked his head in his room.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Almost." Harry said as he finished fixing his hair.

"You look hot Haz." Niall said wiggling his eyebrows.

"I look like every other day, Ni." He laughed. He was wearing ripped skinny jeans and an oversized sweater which showed his collar bones. His hair was gelled backwards in the middle, on the sides were his curls falling perfectly.

"That's what I'm talking about, you always look great." Niall grinned.

"Okay, someone's in a good mood today." Harry chuckled as he grabbed his phone and his keys and they exited the flat.

They made it to Zayn in fifteen minutes and rang the doorbell. Harry had never been to Zayn's, but by the looks of his house he must've been wealthy. The house was secured by a huge fence and a gate which was open, probbaly because Zayn knew that Harry and Niall were coming, so they didn't have to wait until he opened the big gate. Liam had told them that Zayn was a financial advisor, so he had to make a decent job to be able to afford such a house.

"Hey, lads. Come in." Liam opened the door and smiled at the two stepping aside to let them enter.

He guided them to the living room where Zayn was just on his phone, waving at Harry and Niall while listening to the other person on the phone with a bored look on his face, rolling his eyes and sighing occasionally.

"No, I'm not...I said I can't. No you listen to me..." He argued as he walked through the room to the terrace. "No, Lou. Yes I know, but this is, can you shut the fuck up for once and listen to me?...No you stop. I swear to god..." He huffed as he stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

Harry's heart jumped in his chest when he heard that Zayn was talking to Louis, he didn't know what overcame him or why he was reacting like this at all, he didn't even know that man, but something about him made Harry all fuzzy.

"You want something to drink?" Liam asked as they sat down on the couch.

"A beer would be great." Niall smiled and Harry nodded along. Liam got them their drinks and sat down opposite of them just as Zayn came inside of the living room rubbing his temples.

"Is everything alright?" Liam asked worried and Zayn just shook his head.

"Nothing I can't fix. Don't worry your pretty little head about it." Zayn smiled slightly as he walked over to Liam and gave him a kiss on the head. 

Harry and Niall watched the scene in adoration and Harry's chest tightened, craving such a relationship as well. He often asked himself if their bond was so strong because of the way they were living or if that was normal in a relationship. One time when his curiosity won he looked it up and got immersed in the BDSM world for hours and since then he couldn't stop, by now knowing the basics and different kinds of relationships.

"Don't you want to sit down?" Niall asked as Zayn just stood beside Liam.

"Actually-" Zayn started but got interrupted by the front door being ripped open with a bang against the wall and a few seconds later Louis stormed into the room with a pissed look on his face. "I knew you would be coming over." Zayn grinned at his best friend who was fuming, but he froze when he saw the other three boys sitting there and looking at Louis with wide eyes.

Help me. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now