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"What do we do now?" Harry asked quietly from the backseat of Zayn's car after said one picked him and Liam up around eleven a.m. the day after they visited Axel. Harry still couldn't believe that Kyle had drugged him just because he wanted to split him and Louis up, so to say he didn't have a good sleep last night was an understatement.

"Now we will wake up the sleeping beauty and hopefully if he's sober and clear in his head we tell him everything." Zayn said nonchalantly as he pulled up into his driveway looking at the clock in the dashboard. Louis had been sleeping for fifteen hours now, he should be sober by now. Zayn hadn't slept at all that night too busy watching over his passed out best friend afraid that he would die in his sleep.

"Zayn, he will kill me when he sees me." Harry said panicked.

"No, he won't. He may be a bit upset, but after we explained everything he will be the nice and loving Lou we know- well, you know." Zayn assured and added a 'hopefully' quietly.

"I don't know." Harry shook his head doubtfully.

"Harry, you don't need to be scared. I will be there and if he does anything then I just dunk him into the water again, alright?" Zayn asked and Harry's mouth actually escaped a small chuckle. "There you go." He smiled into the mirror.

They exited his car and went over to Louis' house. Zayn entered it as if he owned the place and gestured for Harry and Liam to follow him upstairs.

"Ready?" He asked as he unlocked the door.

"No." Harry shook his head.

"Not really." Liam said cautiously.

"Well, too bad." Zayn grinned and pushed the door open. "Wakey wakey, dickhead!" Zayn shouted into the room. He flicked on the light and looked to the bed where Louis was laying sprawled out over the bed in his boxers snoring soundly with his face squished into his pillow drooling on it. "Jesus! Smells like a mixture between a liquor store and dead animal in here." He huffed and went over to the windows opening them after pushing the curtains aside. Louis didn't even move a muscle, too deep in his slumber.

"Wake up!" Zayn called out, but Louis still didn't wake up. He only turned onto his back, his arm dangling over the edge as he continued snoring. "Hopeless!" Zayn exclaimed looking at his best friend disbelieving.

Harry and Liam were standing in the doorway with their lips pressed together to not laugh out loud at this ridiculous situation and how stressed Zayn seemed to be while Louis was completely unbothered.

Zayn walked over to the bed and slapped the palm of his hand on Louis' stomach, the slapping sound echoing through the room. Louis' body jerked up before he turned onto his side smacking his lips together groaning.

"Fuck off." He croaked out in a deep and rough voice without opening his eyes as he wiped the back of his hand over his mouth parenthetically.

"Wake up, princess. I have news." Zayn said unfazed and clapped in his hands.

Louis only flipped him off as a reply and pulled the pillow over his head with another groan.

"Lou, I'm serious. Wake up." Zayn said before he jumped on top of him throwing the pillow away and Louis let out a grunt from the weight.

"For fuck's sake, piss off and let me sleep. My fuckin' head hurts." He groaned again.

"What a surprise after two bottles of whiskey!" Zayn exclaimed jumping up and down on Louis' side.

"Zayn!" Louis whined trying to push him off. "I swear if you don't stop I'm going to throw up on you." His head was spinning and his stomach turning at the movement.

Help me. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now