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A/N: The pictures above are Louis' house and some of his rooms.

A few days after the evening at Zayn's Louis couldn't do it anymore and reached for his phone. He was at work sitting in his office, but he couldn't concentrate at all. All he could think about was Harry and him begging for Louis to help him. He spun around in his chair until his head got dizzy and groaned annoyed at himself when he stopped and was back staring at his phone where his finger was hovering over the call button, until he pressed down on it eventually and called Harry's number which he got from Zayn.

"Hello?" Harry's voice rang through his speaker and he inhaled deeply before answering.

"Hey, it's me. Are you free this afternoon?" Louis asked before he could change his mind.

"What? Y-yeah. Why?" Harry stammered.

"Come to my house at five." Louis said without answering Harry's question.

"Okay." Harry immediately agreed and Louis hung up without saying anything further.

He left work early because of his meet up with Harry and arrived at home around half past four. He went straight to his home office and opened the bottom drawer of his desk, grabbing a few sheets and quickly looked over them. Sighing, he slumped back in his chair thinking if he really made the right decision. It would be completely different than his usual agreements with his subs, but he was also quite excited. He told himself that he would talk to Harry before he made his final decision.

Soon the doorbell rang and Louis left his office with the sheets in his hand. He placed them on the table in the living room before opening the door where Harry stood on the doorstep looking nervous as usual.

"Come in." Louis stepped aside without an actual greeting and Harry hesitantly stepped into the huge house. He tried so hard to not look Louis up and down, but he failed badly when he noticed that he was wearing a suit. "Do you want anything to drink?" Louis asked as Harry followed him to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of wine.

"Y-yeah." Harry stammered. Louis turned to him and examined him from head to toe. He saw that the younger boy was trembling. He really needed to loosen up if he wanted this to work so he grabbed another glass and filled both of them with an expensive red wine. He handed one glass over to Harry and gestured for him to follow him to the living room. He sat down on the U-shaped couch and Harry followed suit, but he sat on the edge of the soft cushion, his body stiff. Louis sighed.

"Harry, I'm not going to do anything to you, can you please relax?" Louis asked, a trace of annoyance lacing his voice.

"I'm sorry." Harry said, but got more comfortable when he leaned against the backrest and let his shoulders drop.

"Drink and then look at me." Louis said as he tasted the wine himself before placing the glass on the table next to the sheets. Harry did as told and took a big gulp of the red liquid.

"What exactly do you want me to teach you?" Louis went straight to the point as he looked at Harry intensely.

"Everything." Harry simply said. Louis pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Harry, you do know what my lifestyle consists of, right? Everything I said when Niall asked me this question was true. I'm not a guy for kissing and having vanilla sex or shit like that. If you want to learn all of this then you have to find yourself a boyfriend." He explained, but Harry shook his head.

"I want to get to know your lifestyle." He rushed out with a blush on his cheeks. Louis quirked an eyebrow.

"Okay, do you have any kind of knowledge in sex?" He asked, but he knew the answer already.

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