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Another long ass chapter. Enjoy lads. x

Also: 18k WTF? You guys are crazy! I love you all!

Harry should've expected the call from Mrs. Hall just like she had warned them, but he was still shocked when she announced herself about three weeks after they had come back from their trip.

"Lou?" Harry asked into the phone panicked when Louis finally picked up after he tried to call him for half an hour now.

"What is it Harry? I'm in a meeting, you can't fucking call me every two seconds, this here is important!" Louis hissed. His stress level had been over the roof beforehand already but now he was close to a breakdown and Harry didn't make this situation better in the slightest.

"Mrs. Hall just called me. She wants to make an appointment with us." Harry rushed out with a trembling voice.

"Okay and what's the problem? Why do you have to continuously call me then? Can't you make out an appointment by yourself?" Louis asked annoyed.

"We still don't know what to do with the playroom, Louis! I'm sorry that I'm a bit panicked because of that!" Harry scoffed.

"Stop with the sarcasm!" Louis snapped. "What should we do with it? We leave it as it is, problem solved. If you'd excuse me now I have to work." He hung up without saying anything else and hurried back into the conference room where his possible clients were already waiting for him impatiently.

From that moment his day was a disaster and he just wanted to swim a few laps and go to the sauna after to relax a bit, but when he came home he was immediately greeted by an angry Harry who was waiting for him in the hallway.

Louis sighed when he closed the door and saw Harry standing in the doorway to the living room with crossed arms and a scowl on his face, tapping his foot on the floor.

"Not now, Harry." Louis huffed as he got rid of his shoes and threw his bag in the corner, not caring about his laptop inside of it.

"Oh no. You can't treat me like that and expect me to be all understanding and sweet to you! It's not working like this, Louis!" Harry exclaimed.

"I don't expect anything from you. I just want to be left alone, is this too much to ask for?" Louis asked calmly. He unbottened his shirt which had a big coffee stain on the front from an employee who ran into him earlier just after his meeting as he trudged past Harry about to change into his swimming trunks, but Harry grabbed his arm tightly to stop him.

"Oh no. You're not running away now!" Harry said angrily.

Louis spun around and his gaze hardened. He snatched his arm out of Harry's grip and clenched his jaw.

"Careful, Harry. I'm really not in the mood right now so don't test my fucking patience even more." He growled.

"So I have to be considerate of you, but my concerns don't matter?" Harry exclaimed.

"No, but I don't know what your fucking problem is! If you don't want her to see the playroom then put the fucking stuff away!" Louis argued.

"How about you help me with that?" Harry snapped.

"You are the one who has a problem with it, not me." Louis shrugged.

"So you don't care if they take Charlie away? Of course you don't, you didn't want him anyway."

"Wow, that was a low blow." Louis laughed sarcastically overplaying the hurt Harry's words caused in his heart.

Harry's face changed into horror when he realised what he just said and was about to apologise but Louis got ahead of him.

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