First day

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Well, summer's over and it's my first day of 11th grade. Jeez I've spent 2 years here and I have two left. Which is awful. I hate it here and I hate the people here. I'd Latte, my sister weren't here then I might as well drop out of the school.

I mean sure I'd like a former education but I'm sure I could teach myself better than anyone else here could. Not to mention, I'm sure no one else has paid any attention last year meaning that I'll be the only smarter on the the whole damn class. Even grade!

Which sucks because they'll call me a nerd for it and obviously I don't want to deal with that! So I'll lay off answering the questions if not mandatory. Oh I just hope there isn't group projects or I'll lose it!

They all love it when they get paired up with me since I'm one of the smartest. They lay the whole project on me to finish. Well that may or may not be happening since last year I did my half and left it for my partner who didn't do anything.

Oh that was one of the best days I've most likely ever had! Even I had second hand embarrassment for them! Sure we may have gotten a bad grade but man did it feel good!

Anyway, I got ready for the day and waited for Latte to get ready. She agreed on walking to school with me so when she finally got ready, we began walking. It was a rather nice morning.

The birds were out, the light autumn breeze, and the grass slowly swaying in the wind. We didn't really talk much that walk, maybe because it was early and we were tired.

We got to the schools. I sighed as we walked into the crowded hallways. I knew almost everyone there. Some I didn't recognize, but most were the ones that I hated so, so much! Always loud and obnoxious.

It seems we're a bit early, so I grabbed a book and headed over to my home room. I took a seat at one of the desks and quietly read while the teacher was doing some paperwork.

She was so busy that she didn't even notice that I came in. Though I don't mind if course. It's better this way honestly, just one more person that I wouldn't have to deal with. Well, not really because she's my teacher but you get the point.

After about twenty or so minutes, I could here a group of people approaching the classroom. Ah well there goes the silence. I just continued to read pretending I didn't  recognize their annoying voices.

Though one for sure I could pin, which was Madeline's. I have enough unnecessary interactions with him to know what his voice sounds like. I'd prefer not to.

I look a glance up. Just long enough to make eye contact with Madeline. I just rolled my eyes and continued to read. I'm surprised that someone like him could read the room and not sit near me.

He's just so annoying. Ever since he got popular he only got more and more cocky. I hate people that pretend they're better than the ones around them. So that's why I avoid him. Though he usually doesn't try to talk to me unless we accidentally walk into each other.

Which is enough times to make me more annoyed as time goes on. I pretend it doesn't bother me. Just so that Latte doesn't try to make us friends or something. She has the nickname of "the school match maker" and hearing that only makes me worry that she'll soon enough figure out how much I hate him and try to make us friends.

Though I'm sure this act won't even matter. She's just an ass anyway. She's my sister though so I have to stay with her..

Latte usually is the only one who gives me company anyway. She's the only one who knows like anything about me other than I read and I'm hella hood at math.

No because everyone at this school is so shit at math I might cry hearing some of the answers they give. Enough of that though.

It seems that Madeline's "friends" who most likely try and feed off his popularity have finally shut the fuck up. Like seriously how are you guys going to be louder than Madeline combined!

The classroom finally filled up and it was time to start the day. Latte sat next to me with Raspberry an the teacher finally stood up.

"Well gooood morning class! I'm Ms. realm but you can cal me Ms. R if wanted! I'll be your English Literature Arts teacher for this semester!" She wrote her name up on the board.

She could've said ELA but whatever.

Time skip

Okay Jesus finally those two horrid periods pare over. Sure, I enjoy math just a little, same with ELA, but if they talk about the easiest crap we learned last year I'll lose it. Some kids were looking at her like this was new. Oh I hate this school.

Though I don't have to worry about it. It's our lunch time as of now. We were let outside on the school grounds to eat outside. I walked over to a tree pretty far away from the mob of people and began eating.

Latte told me she was going to catch up with some of her friends and apologized that she wouldn't be there. It's fine of course, I'm fact I could use a bit of time alone honestly.

Though as I was peacefully eating, I felt light tapping on my shoulder. I looked over to see none other than Madeleine.

"What do you want?" I said clearly annoyed. He took a seat next to me.

"I just felt obligated to give you some company!" He gave me a smile.

"Obligated.. I never knew you were smart enough to use such words. You actually learned something from Ela?" I quietly snicker as Madeline gazed at me, looking rather disappointed.

He looked down over to his friends. Was he glaring? I couldn't tell. Maybe he was, I wouldn't even blame him.

"I wouldn't be too surprised if you'd like me to leave." He said still looking down. I don't know why, but I felt bad if I told him to go.

I just shrugged. Only this once because I feel like his little "friends" down there are doing something to him he's uncomfortable with.

I'm not one to stand up for someone like him, most likely because he's also extremely muscular for his age, but jest because your strong physically doesn't mean your strong mentally.

That's what I fear. I try to hold back a whole load of my anger so that I don't break someone down. I don't want to have the outcome of being a rude person even though I can be.

Madeline looked back at me surprised that I was letting him stay. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his small smile.

This smile looked happier though. Though I rolled my eyes. I still hate them. What did you think this was anyway? A rushed enemy's to friends movie?

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