Better together :)

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After our conversation, we headed back to our dorms. It feels nice knowing that I can talk to him willingly. Though it would've sucked if I had to avoid him so awkwardly throughout the time I'm here. "How'd it go?" Latte asked me. "I set it down for us to be just friends for the moment. Maybe we'll heal over time." I said as we walked over to our rooms. "That's great!" Latte smiled brightly. She then pulled my arm and starting walking past my room. "Latte, may I ask what the fuck you're doing?" I angrily asked. "I want you to meet my roommate! Is that too much to ask?" Latte shot back annoyed. "Whatever, whatever." I mumbled. She led my to her dorm room and knocked on the door. The person inside opened it. "Oh hey Latte! Who's this?" He glanced over to me. "Espresso, this is Pina Colada. You can call him Pina. Pina, this is Espresso, you can call his Ess. He's my brother!" Latte smiled. "Oh! Hey there!" Pina smiled and held his hand out. I took it and politely shook it.

Pina had light yellow colored hair. He wore a black dress shirt along with dress pants. A gold chain hung from his belt and swooped down to his upper thigh, ending at some place on his inner hip. "Ah-I have no clues where Whisket is..." I overheard Pina say. "Whiskey shared a room with me. I can lead you there." I spoke up. "Seriously? Thank you!" Pina smiled. We all walked away, the two following me closely. I unlocked the door with the key I had in my pocket. "Hey Espresso!" Whiskey smiled at me. She then looked at Pina and her eyes widened. "Uh...haha..I forgot??" Whiskey whispered. "Forgot my ass! Jeez you can be the worst!!" Pina crossed his arms and huffed. "I'm sorry! It's my bad!" She exclaimed. She then got up and walked towards us. "I'll see you later Ess! Bye-byee!" She held up a little 'peace' sign with her fingers. "She seems nice!" Latte beamed. "I have to agree. I just hope it's not a one day thing." I sighed.

Later that day, Madeline said he wanted to go take a walk with me through the town. He said that he really wanted us to cat he up a bit. I thought it was a kind gesture, so I agreed.

We met up outside the school and started to walk. "I also made sure to distance myself from my 'friends.' They were assholes anyway." Madeline told me. "You finally noticed? I thought you'd never come to your senses!" I joked. "Pff! I always knew! Though I was sure they'd find some rumor about me to spread around. Little asses..." Madeline muttered. "It was for the sake of yourself huh? Selfish." Madeline looked at me concerned. "Selfish? Well excuse you! You can barely talk to anyone about your feelings!" Madeline shot back. "That's called being shy. Two complete different things you know." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah." There was a pause for a moment. " you think I'm selfish? I sometimes feel that I am..throwing you away like that.." Madeline muttered. "What? No! If you were selfish, I would be dead by now! You went out of your way even if it killed your mental health for the good of me! You're everything but selfish, you're selfless." I reassured him. He gave me a smile, tears forming at the brim of his eyes. I held his hand and pulled him to a more empty place. "It seems you've needed to hear that for a little while huh?" I muttered as he leaned on my shoulder. "I just n-needed reassurance, praise, something! Thank you..I don't know how I survived without you. I know it sounds pathetic.." He said, holding back tears. "Take deep breaths Madeline, you're going to be fine, I'm here." I lightly pat his head.

I felt my shoulder slowly beginning to feel wet, tears streaming down Madeline's face. It pained me more than it should have to see him cry. The words of "I'm sorry" spewed from Madeline's incoherent sobs, finally getting the emotions necessary out.

After around 5 minutes, Madeline had come to a calm, breathing in and out slowly. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket so I went to go check.

Where are you?

I'm in some field with Mads. Doesn't seem like we'll be back very soon.

Oh that's fine! Have fun! Just be back before sunset.

It's literally mid-day.


I put my phone away and started to gently  play with Madeline's hair who seemed happy about the action. He then slowly picked up his head and looked at me, rubbing the remains of his tears away. "We should get back soon." He said. "Yeah, I just got a text from Latte asking where I was." I told him. He got up and lended me a hand which I gratefully took. We started to walk back hand in hand, talking sweetly to each other. I'm surprised that I managed without him as well, it's the little moments like this I miss the most.
Yaaaay new chapter!! It's been..over a month! But at least it's out ig?

over a month! But at least it's out ig?

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Anyway, I went to the zoo yesterday. Your welcome. (Jellyfish serotonin)

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