I'll help

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Madeline's pov:
I followed behind Frappuccino. I know that she most likely has some romantic place to go after this. It's probably going to go down like, 'Oh hey look, there's that one coffee place' and blah blah blah fake date happens. It's going to be so fun to poke around with her. She thinks I'm clueless, but I know everything about her already. I looked down to see her hand swaying close to mine. I know exactly what she wanted to do.

As she was just about to hold my hand, I pulled my hand up to my face and asked a question. "Why'd you want to take this walk anyway?" I can see so much disappointment on her face, and I love it! "Oh um...I mean it's a really nice day and I thought..why not take a walk with a friend?" That was so corny. "What about that girl you whisper to in the halls?" She jumped a little. "Well she had plans already!" She said nervously. She thinks I don't know..it's so obvious too. I almost feel bad! But I don't really care. I'm just here to have some fun!

I'm pretty sure she thinks I like her back, which is hilarious! If I liked her back I would've been flirting with her. That's what I did with Espresso. And she doesn't even know that I like him either! "Hey why don't we stop at the local coffee shop?" Called it. "Why not?" I smiled.

Espresso's pov:
I slammed the door behind me as I walked inside. Goddamn it I'm so fucking jealous...

What's wrong with me?! Why do I care so much!? I want to him to have friends and people he likes..why can't my mind accept that?

Because your scared. You think he'll leave, and he just might. But just remember, you are the top priority of anyone. Don't get hung over some guy.

I just want to pound my thoughts into a wall.

Hey! >:(

Okay whatever. I suppose you're-I'M right. Hah my though as a different person.. why does that feel like it could happen? (Maybe cause of the licorice fanfic) The what? (Nothing:)!) Okay then...

I paced around the house. Surly he doesn't like her...right? It's a probability..and that's what I hate about it. It shouldn't even exist! I shouldn't even have to panic about him and some girl because I'm jealous! I don't want to lose anymore people!

I lost Affogato, one of my earliest friends to some kid I don't even know! I was only 10!...I don't want to go through the lose of someone else.

How about I take a walk? Maybe that'll clear my mind...yeah. I got up and walked outside. As I was just peacefully walking, I took a glance over to the coffee shop, which was just across the street. Madeline and Frappuccino sat at one of the tables. By Frappuccino's expression I could tell Madeline was flirting. I turned my head away as quickly as possible and walked away quickly. I don't want to be seen by them in my misery.

"Espressoooo!" Latte ran towards me. "I didn't think I'd see you out here. What cha' doing?" She asked. "I was just taking a walk. Everyone could use one every once and awhile." I said.

"Oh! Since your not busy, Eclair had mentioned you in the study hall. C'mon you should go see him!" Latte beamed. "...who?" I groaned. "Eclair! The history nerd? Just like you, except you're the math nerd." Latte giggled and grabbed my arm. "Come on!" She dragged me to wherever.

We soon ended up at some house and Latte lead me through the rooms all the way upstairs. She knocked on the door and walked in once she had approval. "Hi Eclair! Since you had said something about Espresso under your breath, I decided to bring him here!" Latte smiled. "Ah-Latte you didn't have to. I could've handled my situation myself. Also how the heck did you hear me mutter his name?!? I literally said to so quietly because I was complaining!" Eclair had papers scattered out on his desk. His hair was tied up in an elegant ponytail as he was doing whatever.

"Why did you mention me?" I crossed my arms and cocked an eyebrow at him. "I-uh-it's for some history essay and I just can't think of anyone to do...I've always known you were amazingly proficient whilst you wrote your essays and I had just complained about wishing you were there to help..." He said awkwardly. I've worked with him for a history project before, he's a nice guy! I suppose I wouldn't mind helping. "Sure I can help. Latte go and pester someone else." I shushed her out the room. "Wow-really?" It's kind of funny to see the surprise of people when I actually help. "I mean I don't have anything better to do." I shrugged and sat down next to him.

"Well the essay's on the pharaohs, the kings and queens and Egypt and stuff? Anyway, I wasn't sure on who to do. Not to mention, the only name that rings a bell is King Tut', and he wasn't even special!" He sighed in frustration. "Hmm..how about you do Sobekneferu? She was the first female pharaoh. She was the last ruler of the 12th dynasty and she had ruled for about 4 years." I suggested. "Oh Sobekneferu! How could I not think of such!? She was incredibly important too.." I couldn't help but laugh at his disappointment in himself.

I helped him work through the essay, and had a pretty fun time doing so! I haven't really talked to him whatsoever and seeing him welcoming makes me pretty happy. I'm sure he was surprised since I was acting so kind with him, but I could use someone else to talk to.

For once, I actually would like him to run up to me in the halls.

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