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The weekend past quickly, which meant another week of school. I walked into the building sluggishly. I was so incredibly tired I barely kept my head up. I slouched down at my desk and lied my head down. I can't do this today.

I sighed as the teacher walked in. God I literally  won't be able to think or write considering how much I wanted to pass out. "Today's a new day students! We have a new student!" The teacher exclaimed. A girl walked in with a smile plated on her face. She had long white hair in a ponytail and strands of brown hair swirled in her face. "Why don't you introduce yourself!" Mrs. R said happily.

"Hi! My name is Frappuccino! Some call me Frap which is fine!" Frappuccino smiled gingerly. "Nice to hear! Go take a seat next to ____." Mrs. R pointed to the chair she'd be sitting at. She sat right behind Madeline.

The teacher began the lesson which I was no where near prepared for. After classes which sucked, I sat which Madeline at lunch. We were just talking like normal when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, but may I sit with the two of you? You guys are the only ones that aren't bugging me." She said awkwardly. "I don't see why not." Madeline shrugged. I didn't know how to feel about some random girl sitting next to us, but I'll let it slide. She plopped down beside me and started eating.

"Erm-I know this is a little weird and stuff since you don't know me, but could either of you explain what the heck is going on in math?! I literally don't know how to do any of it." She groaned. I silently wanted to kill myself but I would feel guilty if I didn't help.

"Sure I'll help." I almost gagged. I'm not the most social person so this makes me want to cry. After I helped her, she stuffed the paper in her bag. "Thank you sooo much! I would've never figured that out.." She snickered. The bell rang and it was time for classes again. "Awh was nice talking to you two!" She ran off. "She seems nice!" Madeline smiled. "Yeah okay.." I muttered.

I don't know it's just..I'm getting a really bad feeling about her. I quietly sighed and walked into the building.

Madeline's pov:
I can't help but notice Ess looks a little down. Though it doesn't look like he'll give me the chance to speak. So I just quietly walked behind him.

We parted ways and I sat down in my next class. Geometry is OKAY I guess.. I tapped the eraser of my pencil on the desk, waiting for something somewhat interesting to happen. Nothing is really intriguing about geometry anyway.

I thought this was going to be some average school day until I took a glance around the room. Frappuccino was..staring at me? What in the world.. Every time I looked she was just staring like a creep. I narrowed my eyes at her. What is her deal?!

That's when I noticed something. Every time I'd walk by her, she'd rapidly turn her head to a different direction. I was just regularly walking in the halls to my next class, this time with Ess since we had the same class, when I saw her whisper to some girl; I'm guessing it's her friend. Her eyes darted off of me and she started to whisper to her little friend.

"Hey Ess? Have you noticed that Frappuccino is acting strange around me?" I whispered to him. "No I haven't. In all honesty I've been trying to avoid her and make no eye contact with her at all. So I haven't seen her since lunch." He said while brushing some of the hair out of his face. "She probably has some big weary crush on you. I mean all the girls have somewhat of a crush on you." Aw is he jealous?

"Aw is my little Essy jealous?" I said with a smug look on my face. "Of course not!" He scowled at me. "Your so jealous~" I teased. He sighed and we walked into the classroom. "I am not jealous!" He angrily whispered at me. "Come on its rather obvious! Pff, you fighting against all the girls~" God I love to pester him. It's rather enjoyable and he's cute when he gets all pouty~ He started to ignore me the whole class period.

Later when I could actually talk to him, I got to soak in that same glare he gave me at least once everyday. Though every time we get into a little argument, his eyes always fill with guilt. "Sorry Ess! I didn't mean to annoy you." I smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and held it. "I'll take that as you accepted my apology." I chuckled. "You know I love you the most of all, right?" I murmured in his ear. He jumped a little as a tint of red spread over his face. God he's so cute when he blushes! "Well don't be so quiet pretty boy~" I wonder how he'll take in this nickname.

"Pretty boy? That's new. I kinda like it..." Ess shrugged. Heh I can call him pretty boy now. "Though just don't call me that in public! Especially out loud.." He looked down to the sidewalk. "Of course!" Please I'm not an asshole I'll respect his boundaries.

I heard something rustle in the bushes. It's just a chipmunk or something.
"He'll be mine..."

You guys like out beautiful new character 😍 also look at what auto correct did 😭💀

My kitty 😳😩LOL IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LITTLE I'm so gonna use 'my kitty' (😉😏) in my cat AU 😩😩

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My kitty 😳😩
LOL IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LITTLE I'm so gonna use 'my kitty' (😉😏) in my cat AU 😩😩

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