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After a few months, I basically stopped seeing Madeline. He sort of just stopped talking to me. Which hurt. A lot. A week before he just stopped talking to me he told me, "Ess I feel obsessed with you! You're so cuute!!" And then he just left. So...yeah! That's how my life is going I guess. Though I continued to talk to Eclair, and he's pretty nice! We usually do homework and stuff together. It's nice since we can help each other when one gets stuck. It's usually him getting stumped sure, but when I do he's always there to help. I think it's really sweet of him.

Later today, I heard some girl saying how she was going to put a love letter in Madeline's locker. I actually didn't care whatsoever. It didn't take me long to get over the fact he just straight up ignored me actually. It's sort of refreshing honestly. Frappuccino hasn't given up on Madeline yet, and it's pretty funny to see her fumble around when seeing him.

During ELA, one of Madeline's friends walked over to me. "Hey Espresso! Why don't you do my homework tonight? I could really use the help! If you don't, I'll make your life hell." He said, getting WAY too close to my face. I looked down and saw a flat penny. It must've gotten run over by a car. So I grabbed it and held it up in his face. "You see this penny? This penny represents you because you are absolutely worthless. No cashier would take you. Anyone who picked you up would immediately throw you back on the curb where you belong. You say you're priceless, and I suppose it shows. Being priceless is the same as worthless." I flicked the penny back onto the floor. "Now would you please get away from me?" I flicked his head. He absolutely lost it. "Who do you think you are?! You are the one that's worthless!!" He screamed in my face. "That's what your mom said." I said calmly. I hid a smirk since this was unbelievable hilarious. Some people started to snicker, but they got glares by him. "Look. You think you're funny? Fine then! You'll be tormented when I beat your ass." He growled. "I'm not going to get into a fight with you." "Why? You scared?" He started to laugh. "No, I'm not scared. Fighting about a small argument with fists is very pathetic. I just called you a penny, nothing more." "Nothing more!? What are you talking about!? You called me worthless!!" "The penny is worthless." "You called me the penny!" "But that is physically impossible since you are not in that shape, size, or form, correct?" I innocently smiled at him. He was absolutely pissed now. "You said I represented that penny! You stupid little-" "HEY! Come here right now!" A security guard stood in the door. He stomped off and out of the room. I saw Madeline worriedly peering at me. I honestly felt like flipping him off since now he decided to care. I brushed some hair out of my face as the teacher walked over to me. "Thank you for handling that so calmly. Though I will have to ask you to not get into arguments with students." She said. I honestly didn't give one shit. After class, I walked over to my lockers. When rummaging around, I noticed a note.

Hi Ess! It's been a while huh? Anyway, could I speak to you at the park around 8:30?

I wanted to crinkle the note up badly, but I wanted to see what he would say. So I went.

I saw him on a bench waiting. "Hey Espresso!" He said after seeing me. "Hello." I said in a monotone voice. "Ess I know it's hard to keep anger and all, but you can't just do that. You're lucky that security came before he could put a hand on you." He said. I suddenly snapped. "So you care now? Madeline it's been fucking months! Why do you suddenly care for my safety now?" I yelled at him. "Ess..I-" "I don't want to hear any excuses! You said that you loved me and that was fucking it! I feel like you just wanted to use my body!" I crouched down on the ground and quietly cried. "Ess I'm so-" "I wish I could give a shit." I said between sobs. He sighed. "And I also wanted to tell you that I'm moving." He said quietly. "Good." I said with a shaky voice.
Love y'all too. See now this is how I come back. Immediate angst.

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