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I sat next to Latte, feeling horrible. What's wrong with me? I had gotten so caught up in school I hadn't thought to give Latte any attention.

Latte giggled. "Maybe I'll call you an NPC cause you stay up like a robot! I mean robots don't need sleep so they don't!" She smiled. I could tell that being sick was getting to her, and I knew she was trying to liven the mood.

Though her actions weren't going to make me feel any better. I had completely ignored her for such a long time now! I'll make sure to talk to her a lot more.

"Anyway..I'm kinda tired n'stuff.. nnnnnnn...." She fell asleep on the couch. I grabbed a blanket and tucked her in. It's the most I could do for now. Since I was being a dick and ignoring her.

Later when I was doing whatever and Latte was still asleep, someone knocked at the door. Weird..who's there?

I opened the door.

"There you are Ess! Why weren't you at school?" Madeline stood in front of me.

"Latte got sick. I stayed back to take care of her." I moved to the side so he could see her passed out.

"Oh that's no good. You mind if I stay for a bit?" Madeline asked, smiling.

"Why not?" I let him. Latte slowly woke up hearing the noise. "Ehh? Who's there?" She managed to murmur.

"Madeline's here Latte." Her head perked up from the couch.

"Madeline..? Ooohhh! I know him! He's your boyfriend ehee~" She flopped upside-down, staring at us with a sloppy smile.

"Wh-Latte go back to sleep." I said completely flustered.

Madeline kissed my cheek. "Don't be embarrassed doll~" Doll?! That nickname only made my panic worse. "Don't call me doll!" I said pushing him away from me. "Please!~" He said in a softer tone. Much softer than normal. Now he really has my heart racing. "No!" I crossed my arms. "Sorry, it'd just be fun to mess with you like one." He smiled and walked away.

I was about to follow, but I realized I haven't shut the door yet. How can someone like him get me yo forget important crap like that?! Whatever.

The next day Latte was feeling better. Not to mention it was a Friday. Finally. I'm sick of this class really.

After that annoying day, I decided to spend my time with Latte. I just feel like an asshole.

"Hey Latte are you doing anything later?" I asked. "No why?" She responded.

"Okay cool, come on follow me!" I grabbed her wrist. She seemed surprised on the way I was acting, but she didn't seem to care.

I lead her to the old tree. She loved this place, I loved this place. She looked shocked to see this place again.

"You actually remembered this place? I thought you forgot!" She ran over and sat underneath the thick leaves. "How could I? We spent hours and hours up here!" I chuckled and sat down next to her.

We sat there for hours, talking and doing what we used to. It felt nice to feel like a kid again.

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