Invitation (rewritten!!)

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Latte bursted in my room. "Look I'm really sorry.." she begged for my apology.

"I hate you so much just go away.." I stared at her.

"You can wake up now." She walked over to me, repeatedly saying this.

"ESPRESSO!!! Wake up or you're going to be late for the second day of school!!" Latte shook me hard. What in the world just happened? Was all of that just a dream?

It had to be. Latte makes sure she takes care of me at all times. I dragged myself out of bed and got ready quickly so I wouldn't be late. We walked out the door and had to go a little faster than normal to actually make it on time.

I did like it when I would have some extra time to read, but today isn't going to be one of those nice days. I'll just read at lunch.

I sat down seconds before the bell rang. I hope Latte got to her class in time anyway. Though after ELA when we were heading to math, Madeline caught up to me.

"Hey do you care if I sit next to at lunch today?" He asked me. Well why not I guess.

I shrugged in which Madeline looked happy about. Anyway I headed over to Math which was the same thing as usual. I wish that he'd put something more..challenging. He gave us some easy ass homework at the end of the period meaning I didn't have time to just do it in class.

I hate it when teachers do this. I'd rather go home and do my own things then do homework the moment I get back!

I sighed and went over to the same hill under the tree I was at yesterday. Madeline came shortly after giving me a small wave and a big smile.

"I'm surprised you let me sit here. Though I mainly wanted to sit with you because I'd like to ask you something." He said getting more comfortable.

"What is it that you'd like to ask?" I asked him while pulling out the homework I had gotten.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to come over later tonight? It's up to you though. I'm pretty sure your sister, Latte, is going too." He asked.

"If it's a party then you know damn well I'm not coming." I rolled my eyes still working on my homework.

"No I don't really do party's anymore since..uh it doesn't really matter. It's just people that we knew back in Middle school! Such as Raspberry, Herb, sparkling, vampire, all those people." He smiled at me.

"Oh well if it's friends from middle school then sure I'll come!" Not to mention I'd like to talk to them again. Madeline smiled hearing I'd come to his house later.

As I was finishing up my homework, I saw  Madeline watch me do the math on my paper. I could here him snicker to himself, I bet he's going to say I'm a nerd or something.

"When'd you get so smart?" He said still watching.

"I have always been smart." I said sarcastically.

"Have you ever been flirty?~" He smirked and got all close to me. I pushed him away, slightly blushing. I shook it off though and continued with the last problem.

"Wait, did you eat yet?" I froze. Madeline would get super mad if I didn't eat back then. I know I can't lie to him so I shook my head, excepting my fate.

He gave me a death stare. "The homework can wait. Either you can eat or I'll force you." He took the pencil out of my hands. I groaned and got my lunch out.

I began to eat while Madeline was watching if I was actually swallowing it. I finished up the last of my lunch and Madeline gave the pencil back to me.

"Was that so hard?" He smiled.

"I didn't say anything. Whatever." I decided to leave it since he was just looking out for me. I finished up the homework and packed my bag. The bell rang and Madeline and I walked to our classes.

Latte passed me a note while the teacher wasn't looking.

Are you going to Madeline's house after school? I am if you aren't btw.

I wrote back to her.

Actually, I am. It's not going to be some huge party so why not?

Latte looked at the note and smiled. Later, I was getting ready to go and Latte was doing whatever. She walked over to me and smiled.

"I'm happy you decided to come! I have a fun game to play!" She clapped her hands together in excitement.

I rolled my eyes as we walked over to Madeline's house. When we arrived, we all had talked for a whole while before doing anything.

The people that were there were mint choco, sparkling, Herb, vampire, raspberry, and of course Madeline and Latte.

They didn't look much different. They just looked a little older and their voices had gotten deeper.

After we were done talking, Latte decided that we should play truth or dare. I despise that game but whatever I'll play.

It went all around the circle and ended up at Madeline again.

"Truth or dare!" Latte pointed at Madeline and smiled.

"Eh, dare." Latte smirked after hearing Madeline say dare.

"I dare be alone in the closet with Espresso for 25 minutes!" She pointed to the closet across the room. I stared at her in horror, but she was just going to force us to go in anyway.

She shoved the two of us into the closet and locked the door. I groaned and leaned on the wall. I'd rather not be stuck in a closet right now.

Though as I sat there in all of my misery, I felt Madeline's knee touch..somewhere.

I watched his eyes widen from concern before he realized what he'd done. "Holy shit! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He apologized frantically as I just stood there in shock. He backed up the most he could before holding his hand up to his mouth. "It's alright Madeline, I see..why that happened. It's a really small space!" I said the most reassuring way I could. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! That just made things so awkward! Damn it.. "Are you sure? I mean-..." He stopped and looked away. I lightly hugged him and looked up. "You're fine! Sure, it was really, really shocking but...I get it." I lightly laughed. He pat my head and we stood like so for a moment. "We have like..20 minutes left so uh..what would you like to do?" I asked awkwardly. "Talk maybe? I'm not sure." He smiled. Thank god we moved on from that..weird moment. " you have Mr. Evan?" Madeline asked. " I don't think so. What subject?" I asked. "Math." He responded. "Nope, don't have him. Why?" I asked. "Jesus you're lucky. He's such a bitch! He asked me for the homework which I didn't have. So I honestly told him I didn't. Any normal teacher would've done their normal sigh and walked off. But no! He made a whole ass scene about it! Everyone in the room was confused as hell." He ranted. "Really? It's like a wake up call to do your fucking homework." I joked. "I know!" He started to laugh quietly.
"Oh my god I want to get out of this stupid ass closet." I complained. "Ha, yeah. It's really stuffy in here." He sighed. It's probably been 25 minutes, why the hell are we still in here?

If on cue, someone walked up to the door, but Madeline pulled it shut. "Well damn. As if 25 minutes weren't enough time." I heard Mint joke. When he walked away, I looked at Madeline with a sharp gaze. "What the hell?!" I whined. "Alright! I'm just messing with you." He ruffled my hair. "Come on, let's get out of this damn closet. He opened the door.

"Ladies first!" 
"Fuck off."
I had to delete so much it's not even funny. Anyway YAAAY ITS BETTER NOW :DDD

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