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The next day, Madeline started to talk with Frappuccino. I started to leave the two behind every time they'd strike up a conversation. If I were to stay, I'd just be walking in silence. I'd feel so awkward and embarrassed. That's why people say groups of 3 don't work. One always gets kicked behind. I swear if Frap takes my place I'll...I'm not sure what'd I'd do..

It got worse when she sat with us at lunch again. I sat there quietly as the two talked about anything. I let out a quiet sigh and stood up once I had finished my lunch. Madeline looked at me confused. "Ess? Where are you-"
"I'm heading to the study hall. I could catch up on some things." It's not like your talking to me anyway. I walked off. I could tell Madeline was confused on my behavior, but that wasn't what I cared about. During Science, Madeline stared at me throughout the period. Once the class had ended, I flicked his arm. "Why were you staring at me all through class?" I said with more anger than wanted. "You just look stressed out. Are you alright?" He asked sheepishly. "I'm excellent." I said with no emotion whatsoever.

He stared at me with worry. "Oh my god stop looking at me like that!" I yelled at him. I heard him sigh as he walked into his next class. I shouldn't have gotten mad at him though. I guess I was...uhg I don't even want to say it. Though it may not be because I'm....jealous..but I also have a bad feeling about her. It doesn't help that she was staring Madeline down during whatever class he had. I was lost in thought during my class that when the teacher called on me I had almost jumped. Luckily I knew the answer from the top of my head so I didn't embarrass myself.

At the end of the day, I saw Frap and Madeline talking in some corner. I had overheard some of the conversation. "What'd you need Frappe?" Madeline had came up with a nickname for her? "I was thinking that...why don't we go for a walk in the park later? Just...y' and me?" Frappuccino said with a soft voice. "I-it's fine if you don't wanna...It'd just be disappointing if you didn't." Oh and now she's manipulating Madeline? What a nice person! "I wasn't going to say no! Of course we can!" Madeline said happily.

At that point I realized I was being nosy, so I kept walking. It's not like me to eavesdrop on anyone. I sighed since Latte was going to see Raspberry after school, which meant I'd be alone for the afternoon. I started to walk home. As I was just peacefully walking, I felt someone staring to mess with my hair.

I turned around and not to my surprise, it was Madeline. "Hi Ess!" He gave me a warm smile. "Hello Madeline." I said pushing his hand off my head. "Are you still mad at me...?" Madeline said disappointed. "No, when was I mad at you?" I lied. "Earlier this mor- it's nothing." Madeline sighed. "How's it going with Frappuccino? Ive seen you've been talking to her." I asked. "Fine. She asked me to go on a walk with her." He shrugged. Though he doesn't know I heard that conversation. "Oh, cool!" I said with a fake smile.

You're so jealous it's honestly a little sad. Maybe you should keep Frappuccino away from him with a little threat?

My thoughts started to pester me with ways on how I could stop her from talking to Madeline. I'm not that desperate and I won't take away any type of friendship from him. "Hmm..why do you care about how it's going with Frappuccino, Essy?~" Madeline looked at me slyly. "To make sure your comfortable with her. You literally said yesterday she's acting weird around you." I glared at him. "You're so considerate Ess~" Madeline kept that same sly look on his face. I rolled my eyes. He continued to follow me until I was at my house. I waved to him once I got on the porch. "Don't worry Ess, your still my favorite~" Madeline teased. I groaned and walked inside.

Madeline's pov:
God I love him! He's so...ungh~

I quietly moaned to myself thinking about him. Lord he makes me so horny... I walked to the park where Frappe sat. She looked better than she did at school. If she's trying to get me to fall for her, then I have some news! I mean I was literally just thinking about a man's body, and she thinks I'll just fall in love with her just like that?! No dear, it's going to take you a LOT to change my mind.

"Ah! Madeline!" Frappuccino bounced up from the bench. "Hi~" I winked. I want to mess with her. I want to see how hard I can friend zone her. I could tell this made her jolt with so many emotions, just what I was aiming for! "So...where should we start?" Frappuccino said all innocently. "You invited me! You lead the way princess~" She blushed like crazy and started walking. Hah, this should be a fun year!

 Hah, this should be a fun year!________________________________

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