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After a few hours, Latte and I started to walk home. "That's was fun! We should really do stuff like that way more often!" Latte smiled. "Yeah we really should!" I agreed with her. The two of us got home a little late, it was at least 10-11:30.

I went to my room and lied down. It's been a little since I've gotten okay sleep. Sure I may get at least 8 hours of sleep for school reasons, but now I don't have to dread waking up at dawn.

After a bit of tossing and turning, I got to sleep.

"Huh..where am I?" I looked around. I was literally just trying to sleep how the hell am I at some field?! I stood up and stretched a little before walking around. Nothing abnormal to say the less.

Though as I was walking, I stumbled across a hill. It's weirdly peculiar for its mass. Though a hill this size wouldn't be the worst to sit atop of..

Slowly, I began to walk up the abnormal hill. Halfway up, something caught my eye. A person? Who could that be? I started to pick up the pace.

Once I finally got up, I could see who the figure was. "...Madeline?" I said puzzled. "Ess!" He ran over to me. "I didn't think to see you up here! Care to watch the sunset with me?" He gestured to the bench that sit near the opposite edge. "Oh, sure." I walked over with him.

I'm still baffled about what is going on or how I got here. (BAFFLED IS SUCH A FUNNY WORD)

I sat down next to him. We were a good distance until Madeline pulled me closer. I'm not complaining though, he's warm and it's cold out here. He started to softly talk to me as it got a little darker. "Pfft since when we're so quiet?" I said squeezing his arm a little. "You want me to be loud?" I shook my head. "Didn't think so. Plus it wouldn't feel right if I were speaking any louder." He kissed me on the forehead. "Your so romantic!" I quietly laughed. "Just the best for you! You deserve the world~" He kissed me on the lips.

"Well that's corny..but I'm not complaining." I smiled. "Hey, look!" Madeline turned my head to the sunset. Colors flushed the sky. Oranges, pinks, and yellows painted the horizon. "It's not as beautiful as you~" Madeline said, trying to be cheesy this time. "Stop!" I giggled. "Oh! We should stay until the moon rises! It's going to be full moon tonight also!" He smiled. "Your a little kid I swear. You get excited over the smallest things!" I leaned on him. "Though even if you act like a child, I'll love you nonetheless." I said staring off into the sunset.

"Aw Ess!" That was one of the biggest smiles I've seen from him. "I'll love you no matter what as well!" He pulled me into a hug.

A little later the clouds cleared and the moon shone bright it the night sky. "Jesus-you look so pretty in moonlight." I stared at Madeline in awe. "And you said I was being corny." He scoffed, but I knew he was being sarcastic.

"Hah funny. Though I'm being serious!" I cuddled up against him. "You always look good in every type of light really." I smiled. "Well since your being absolutely adorable and giving me compliments, you always looked amazing in any type of library. Something about it just fits you perfectly! It may be the dark look of things, or how cute you look while reading." He pulled me a little closer. "You know I could look into your eyes until dawn, right?" He kissed my right eyebrow. I didn't say anything back since I was so utterly flattered it's embarrassing.

"I would say the same but I'd fall asleep in your arms." I laughed. "Why are you so fricking cute?!" He cupped my face with his hands. "Well that was sudden." I muttered.

I woke up in a panic to someone pouncing on me. "Ow what the fuck?!" I yelled out in pain.  "Jesus it's about time you got up!" Madeline stood over me. "Good morning Essy~" He kneeled down and put his head down on my bed. "Why the actual fuck did you think it was a good idea to jump on me?!" I turned to him and glared at him. "You look hot when your angry~" "Is that some shitty kink of yours?" "It only works with you, doll." "What the hell did I say about calling me doll?!" I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

Madeline pulled me out of the bed and started to cuddle me. "Sorry Ess. Don't be mad at me, please~" He whispered in a low tone. "Fine." I groaned. "Thank you~ How'd you sleep?" He asked, still snuggling with me. "Good until you woke me up." I said a little mad. "What'd you dream about?" He asked. "You." I said with no emotion whatsoever. "Very funny." He thought I was lying by the way I said it. "I'm not lying!" I rolled my eyes. "It's not like you to dream of anyone..right?" He looked down at me.

"What kind of stereotypes do you have on me? Of course I dream about people!" I looked up at him. "Well then, what was it about?" He asked. "I found you up at some hill and you asked if I wanted to watch the sunset. So I did. Then you started being the corny blonde ass you are saying things like "The sunsets not as pretty as you" and stupid things like that." Madeline started to quietly laugh. "It most likely wasn't as pretty as you~" He smirked. "God I hate you." I looked away from him. He grabbed my chin with his thumb and pointer. He made me look in his direction. "Love you too~" He kissed me.
Credits for idea B): @moonbeamswirl

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