Walking and views (Bonus Chapter cause I love you)

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Okay, last year of college! FUCKING FINALLY!!!! This damned year has been a pain. The lectures, the stress, it was just repeating day after day!

Whisket appeared at the door with a grin. "Last year, eh? Haah, I'm so excited to get this over with! I'll finally be able to train to be a bartender!" She exclaimed. "You..what to be a bartender? I had no idea." I said. "It's ironic. Whiskey, you know? But I think it'll be fun!" She smiled. "Oh! I'm planning to invite my boyfriend over, that okay?" She asked. "Uh—sure. Just don't..you know." "Excuse me!?! I won't!" She scoffed. "Okay. Well, I'm off to see Latte." I said, pulling on my coat. "Whatever, have fun." She shooed me away.

No, I didn't plan to meet her. There is nothing more awkward than sitting there with your friend's boyfriend. I'll just knock on her dorm room and pray she's free.
"Sorry, 'Spresso. I'm super behind on homework! And I need to study.." Latte mumbled. Damn. Well then...who the hell am I going to talk to!? I sighed and turned around. "I'm sorry!" She whined. "No, you're fine. I just don't have much to do, is all." I shrugged. She crossed her arms and huffed. "Well, hopefully you find something to do." She smiled. I rolled my eyes with a grin. "Hopefully you study well, you can't fail these finals." I said. She shoved me playfully and and shut the door in my face. I quietly chuckled and slid my phone out from my pocket. "Last optioonn~" I hummed, scrolling through my contacts. I pressed into a certain contact, calling them specifically.

"Hello?" There it is, his voice. "Hi, Madeleine! Can we hang out? Latte isn't free and I don't have anything better to do." I said. "I'd love to meet with you, I'd be more than happy to! Where would you like to go? What time?" He asked. "Ehh...how about the Central Park? I was thinking maybe...we could go for a walk around..oh! How about we go to the fountain, then to the bridge?" I suggested. "Ooh! Sounds fun! Think you can meet up in 20?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, I can see you then." I smiled. "Perfect! Alright, I need to get ready. Meet you in 20!" He happily said. "You too. Bye, Madeleine." I hung up.

I slightly dressed myself up better since we'd be in public. This past year, I've redeveloped a crush on him. I want to dress up better for him, I want to have a better impression on him, I want to look better than I did. I don't want to be the same as I did in high school, I just refuse. I grabbed cologne because...why not. I sprayed only three times around my body and headed outside. Alright, now to make my way to the park.
I glanced around, looking at all the kids and their parents playing around and talking. It doesn't seem like he's here yet, and it's been at least 23 minutes. Ew, I was late. I hate being late.

Soon enough, I was shoved into a hug from behind. "There you are! I felt like I was waiting for hours!!" Madeleine said. "Yes, I am 3 minutes late, but don't make me feel bad about it!" I whined. He sighed happily and let go of me. "Im just messing with you! Now come on, let's make our way to the fountain." He smiled. I nodded and he started walking, so I followed. "So? You excited we're almost done with the last year of college?" He asked. "Of course I am, I'm so over it. It's just each day repeating itself." I groaned. He slightly laughed and pat my head. As we slowly approached the fountain ahead, it was obvious to see it was packed. I grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Let's...not go. Look, see how many people are there??" I pointed. "Ah, I see. You said you wanted to go to the bridge, right?" He asked. "Yeah, I did. You want to go there instead?" I asked. "Sure!" He smiled.

Of course he'd remember what I wanted. He always does, and it manages to surprise me all the time. Sometimes it's a little annoying, but other times...honestly, it makes me feel somewhat.. 'special'. I'm sure he remembers everyone's little requests just like mine. "You have to take the turn to the left, right?" He suddenly asked. "Oh! Yeah, you do." I said. He nodded and turned, I followed alongside him. "You're being awfully quiet, something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, I'm perfectly fine." I shrugged, turning my head away as if to look at something. Fuck, don't tell me I'm blushing at the thought he cares. Of course he fucking cares! He always cares! He cares about everyone and everything, stop thinking this is something special when he does it with every person he sees! "You sure..?" He leaned over and tried to look at my face. "Yes, I'm very sure! My god, haven't you heard the saying 'curiosity killed the cat?'" I asked. "Yes, of course I have." "Well I'm about to kill you, so stop asking questions!" He burst out laughing, leaning his head back as he slowed his walking. It wasn't even that funny! "Seriously? Laughing at that?? Wow, I thought you had better humor." I spit with a grin. "Shouldn't you be happy I'm laughing? Huh, I thought you'd be a lot more happy than that." He sighed. "Don't guilt me! Jeez...fine! I'm happy about it, I admit." I grumbled. His face lit up with a huge smile. He swung an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. "HEY—Are you trying to kill me!?! You're gonna-GAH! LET ME GO!" I screamed, pushing away from him. Thank god no one was around to see me act to childish. "What?? What am I gonna do?" He asked with a grin. "You're going to SUFFOCATE and KILL me!!" I helplessly said. "Oh come one, you're not that fragile! I know you, and I know that if you got stabbed with a knife, you'd keep running. So, if I'm correct, you'll live." He smirked. "Don't give me that look! Also, fuck you!" The only reason I'll die is because you're RIGHT THERE. I'm basically buried into his chest, and having a crush on him is not helping with my situation whatsoever! "Just...let me go, please?" I begged. He looked down at me, shocked, to the point he stopped walking. "Did I just get a please from Espresso??" He asked, slowly putting on a smile. I groaned and tried pushing away, but was quickly stopped. "No, no, no, no! Tell me, did you, the actual Espresso, say please to me?" He asked. "Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" "You aren't denying it!" He hummed with a pleased look. "Fucking hell. Yes, I said please because I have manners!" I said, annoyed. He hummed, starting to walk again. "Can you let go?" I asked. "I don't think I want to."


"You're going to kill me if you keep this up." "You'll live." He looked down with an amused grin. "But seriously, let me go!" I pleaded. "Eh." "Please!" He sighed and slid his arm off of me. "Happy?" He asked. "Very. I was beginning to wonder how much pleading I had to do before you finally gave in." I said. "You want to see?" "No." He laughed somewhat quietly. "Haaa...I'm so glad we're friends again. I missed you." He suddenly said. "It's been a year since then." I flicked his arm. "And I'm happy about that." He said with a smile. It looked so genuine that I felt like melting. "Oh! Looks like we're coming up to the bridge now actually!" He said. I looked up and the path onto the bridge was clear. "Feels like we've been walking forever!" He complained. "There's benches up there if you need to sit." I told him. "You'd be willing to stop for me?" He asked. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked. "Because even when we were friends all that time ago, the old you would've never stopped for me!" He chuckled. "Don't remind me! I don't even know why I did that.. I was such a bitch to you back then." I mumbled. "Not that I minded." He shrugged.

We walked onto the bridge, and Madeleine was stunned by the view. "It's nice, huh? Especially at this time of day, it's nice when the sun's about to set." I said. He nodded and soon started walking again. We soon made it to an empty bench and sat down, Madeleine letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank god we stopped, I didn't think it was such a long walk!" He sighed. "And I thought you were well exercised!" I teased. "Oh shut up, I'm just sore." He grumbled. "Sure, sure." I leaned my head back. He hummed with delight and looked ahead. "Do you come here often?" He asked, glancing back at me. I brought my head forward. "Mhm, I usually come here when I need a small break." I said. "I can see why, it's lovely up here." He said. I smiled and leaned onto his shoulder without thought. "Dear god, I love you." I heard him mumble. I shot up with surprise. "What..?" I mumbled. His face was red as he shook his head in embarrassment. "Nothing! I didn't say anything!" He rubbed the back of his neck. "You..you love me..?" His face dropped as he let out a shaky sigh. "I...I didn't mean for it to come out this way. I know you want to be friends for now..but I've loved you since the beginning of forever." He mumbled.

I'm going to pass out. "I-..I love you too..!" I embarrassingly muttered. He immediately pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his back with a lovesick smile. He looked down with a little smile, staring at me attentively. With slow and steady movements, he kissed me. Just for a moment, but it was a moment I'll cherish forever. "Please, tell me you'll be mine." He asked, bringing my hand up and kissing my knuckles. "Of course I will, I'd love to be yours."
...official ending I guess??????? Sure, there's a lot of things I wanted to add, like Whiskey being in a poly relationship with Pina and someone else. 💀 also, quick funny SS


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