Disney Land!

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(Chanyeol's pov)

We arrived at Disney Land and we were acting like a three years old children with Suho as the dad and little Kyungsoo as our mother...meanwhile Kris hyung...he is with us jumping happily

"I want Dara! I want to bring her here!" I whinned and went to Suho

"Ya! Chen! Watch where you are going!" Suho scolded as Chen gave him a mocking look

"Ya! Kris! You are not helping at all! I thought you are also the leader of ExoM?" Kyungsoo dragged Kris by the back of his colars

"Ya! Ya! Stop it!" Kris was slapping the hand of Kyungsoo like a girl

"Aish! Suho! Next time just bring a leash so we wont go away" Kai was fooling around and laughing

"Yeah! But I only brought strands of hair" Baekhyun laughed like a drunk person

"Wow! Is that Minnie Mouse?" Tao pointed to the person with a Minnue Mouse costume on

"Luhan! Take my picture with Minnie! Here!" Tao said as he lent Luhan his phone

"Me too!" Lay went beside Tao

"Me three!" Xiumin handed Luhan his phone

"Ya! Why am I taking all of your pictures?!" Luhan whinned

"Because you are too baby faced to be in the picture!" I put my tongue out

"Ya! Kids! Stop fooling around!" Suho scolded

"Come on gramps! Dont be a kill joy" Chen winked

"Ya! Who are you calling gramps?" Suho asked

"You are" Kyungsoo joined the kids

"Ya! I thought you will help me here?" Suho was now chasing Kyungsoo around in circles

"Wow! This is a fun game! What is it called anyways?" Lay asked enjoying the show

"Someone please give me a pop corn and a camera!" Kai said out loud

"The movie is entitled...Abnormal And Retarded Running Kids" Baekhyun was slapping my back bacause of too much laughter

"Ya! Kyungsoo! If I catch you, you are grounded!" Suho chased D.O

"If you can...gramps!" Kyungsoo answered back and ran faster

"Come lets go, its getting boring here" Xiumin went away following by the other 9 members

"Come! Lets ride that Space Mountain!" I pointed to the indoor closed shaped thingy

"Omo! Is that exo?" A fan who was wearing a pink tops and a white shorts came to us

"Can I have your autograph?" Another one asked

"Where will I sign?" Luhan asked not really seeing any papers

"Here!" The girl pointed to her face

"Uhhh you sure?"


"Alright..." Luhan signed her face and later on many fans were crowding exo, attracting more fans

"Sehunnie oppa! Can I take a selca with you"

"Kris oppa! Can you sign here?"

"Lay! I want you to have this!"

"Tao! Can you show me some of your wushu?"

"Xiumin! I know you love steamed buns...so here"

"Luhan oppa! Can I be your girl?"

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