The Winner Is...

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"Saehyun! Look at my sand castle. Isn't it nice?" Lay dragged Saehyun with him

"No! Look at mine. It even has lots of shells that I found" Xiumin showed his collections

"Ya! Can you guys keep it down there?" Kris made an irritated look

"Geez, what a kill joy" Chen had an eye contact with Chanyeol

"Haha. I know that look!" -Luhan

"So what's the plan?" Baekhyun squat at the sand

"Should we... um..." Saehyun signaled Sehun to go with the boys. Whatever they're planning

"Ok!"Lay got a bucket full of sand

"let's move!" Xiumin cued

"wouldn't be duizhang be mad?" Kyungsoo worries

"Nah, I'm sure he won't mind after getting dumped by sand" Suho laughed

Baekhyun, Kai, Lay, Suho, Chanyeol, and Xiumin are in-charge of collecting as much Dry Sand as possible.

meanwhile luhan, Tao, and D.O will just stare when their leader gets soaked with sand

"What can we do? " sehun asked

"Just join them" Tao laughed

"Haha!" Sehun grabbed a bucket and filled it with beach water

"I'm going first" Sehun tip toe followed by the sand holders

"This is bad" Saehyun whispered to herself

"don't worry. Kris hyung will be fine" luhan folded his arms

"Why does D.o look so... scared?" Saehyun asked

"We better hide" D.O said in a hurry

"Behind the umbrella" Tao pointed

"Why?" Saehyun asked

"Just watch and learn" Luhan laughed

"Then we act that we didn't know what's going on. Ara?" Chen laughed


(Chanyeol's pov)

."shhhhh" Baekhyun is giggling so loud

Sehun mouthed

'One ...



Sehun splashed a bucket of salty water then we threw dry sand on Kris hyung's body and face

"What you?!" Here It goes

"Run!!!!" Kai shouted

" come back here!" Kris is shaking his head to get rid of sands

"you'll suffer! Aish! stupid sand!" Kris keeps shaking his head with eyes closed


Will they get punished by Kris?

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