Beach Shells

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"Oppa. Haha, where are you guys taking me??" You went out of the car feeling the salty breeze

"Guess where sis!" Chen giggled to himself

"Ya! Since when did you start calling her sis? Did I gave you permission? Huh?" Here is the overprotective brother mode again

"Chill oppa. Anyone can call me anything they want" You saved exo's life

"Fine then. Alright" Sehun gave up

"Did you guys brought me to the beach??" You shrieked because the soft sand welcomed you

"Yes. Why? Don't you like it Dear?" You can feel D.O pouting right now

"Ani, I like the beach actually. Now can I remove the blind fold already?" You ask excitedly

"Here. Let me help you" Kai helped you remove the blind fold

"Ya! That was supposed to be me doing that!" You heard Baekhyun say

"Its alright Mr.Eyeliner" you comforted

"Come! Lets go to the beach!" He held your hand that made you blush a little

"Ya! Stay a meter away from my sister!" Sehun warned

"Lets put some sunblock yeah?" Kris suggested to Sehun

"Blehh" you saw Baekhyun stuck his tongue out with your side vision

'Haha, you're really a funny oppa' you thought while walking towards the water

You realize that he has been holding your hand for few time now

"Oh! Wait here!" He untangle his hand from your hand and ran to somewhere

you blushed but kept it cool outside

-copy right to the author-
The beach…

Such a mysterious place to be,
Happiness and joy I can feel,
Even just by looking at it.
Blue waters that flows freely,
Just like what I feel right here,
The beach, such mysterious place to be.

you made up that poem because it feels so free here.

You stare at the far end of the waters

"Saehyun! Check out these sea shells I found!"

You turned to your right and saw Baekhyun having a child's smile running towards you with various kinds of sea shells in hand

"I'll give this white one to Lay hyung, This cute one is for Lulu hyung, oh! This lovely white and swirly thing will be for myself, this can be for Xiumin hyung!"

You stare at Baekhyun giggling like a child

'How I wish I can go back to my childhood days. I'm sure I can make him a necklace made out from sea shells' you smiled while thinking if it

"You alright there my Princess???"

"Oh, yeah yes. Lets go find your hyungs alright?" You suggested because the sun is somewhat getting hot

"Sure! Kaja!" he intertwined his arms to yours

You can really feel the blush on your cheeks right now


Be ready for the next uupdate!!!!! It will be so much fun!!!!!

Updated: March 18,2016

Completed ★Oh Sehun: My Long Lost Sister...Is One Of My Fans?Where stories live. Discover now