Bumping into Infinite!

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roxylina26 and my readers,

sorry for making you all waitXD but here is the chapter you were all waiting for XD


So a schedule huh?

"So should I leave you guys?" I asked because they will film a drama together with BTS

"No, No. Actually you'll be in the movie later this week" BTS 's leader said

"WOW! That's so cool! Heard that Saehyunnie? You're going to be a star! Like me" Baekhyun oppa used his arms to bring me close to him

"Ya! Baekki! That's my sister!" Sehun oppa whined

"Yeah! Today is my turn " Tao grabbed me

"And yours is on Monday" Sehun oppa added

"What? That's like next week!" Baekhyun let out his tantrums like a child

"Come. Let me show you around" Tao oppa toured me around this huge place

After some time later of laughter and getting to know each other...

"Oh! Hi Hyung!" Another group of guys that looks like idols surprised me

"Hi!" Tao oppa did a fist bump to another guy and did a bro hug

"Who is this pretty girl?" Another guy came and played with my hair (AN:yeah. I did some research of their habbitsXD)

"Who are you?" I asked scared

"I'm L of infinite! And you?" So his name is L huh? anime?

"So you're...."

"Han dul set! Infinite imnida!" They said together if like they are controlled

"I'm Infinite's leader and vocalist, Sunggyu" the hamster-like guy said

"I'm Dongwoo and I'm Infinite's main rapper!" Dongwoo, the monkey boy

"Woohyun imnida! I'm Infinite's main vocalist. Nice to meet you" Woohyun, he looks normal

"I'm Infinite's dancing machine! Hoya!" Hoya did a dance and ended up smiling wide

"Yeah. He also dances in his sleep" Dongwoo the Monkey faced guy mumbled and made me laugh

"Ya! That's not funny" Hoya pouted. How cute!

"I'm Sungyeol. Infinite's vocalist" he doesn't look bad but lacks something...

"I'm Infinite's visual! L! Nice hair you've got!" What's his deal with hair?

"And I'm Infinite's maknae! Sungjong!" He's so adorable!

Hm... L is good looking. But Sunggyu looks cute. Hoya is not bad. Among them I would want to date L, Sunggyu and Hoya

"Don't fall to any of them or else I'm so dead to your brother" Tao whispered to me. Did he read my mind?

"What's your name? " Hoya asked


"Her name is Oh Saehyun. Nice to meet you guys but I'm so dead to her brother if she falls to anyone of you. We are going now ok?" Tao warned them

"Its alright, I know our charms are strong" Woohyun laughed

"Yeah. Every girl falls for us" Sunggyu explained

"So who's her brother?" Sungjong asked

"Our maknae" Tao answered

"Really? I didn't know Sehun has a younger sibling?" Dongwoo studied my face

"Yeah. They have the same poker face " L laughed

They talked for some more minutes and then we left

"Don't tell your brother that we met them ok?" Tao protected me like a sibling and I feel completely safe around him already

"Ne" I smiled. But I like Sunggyu and L there

"So let the filming start?" The movie director asked

"Yes!" BTS and EXO shouted in unison
"Lights! Camera! Action!"


Finally updated! ^^

Vote please! Don't be scared to comment down your suggestions


A)Who is your bias in Infinite?
B)Do you think Infinite will fall for her?

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