Statue Of Exo

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"Saehyun. Why are you here in Korea?"

Saehyun turned around and saw to whom the voice belonged to

"Um.. I don't know whom you are talking about" Saehyun apologized

"Sorry. But you really look like my cousin from HongKong" The guy apologized using English

What cousin? I don't even have a cousin who is older than me and I don't know this guy.

I look at Saewon for some help, hopefully he got my message

"Sorry but she's already taken. Right Sugar? "Oppa answered in english... more like broken english. He made me look at him like 'seriously?!'

"Oh. Sorry, my apologies. Asian people do look the same. Haha" the English dude said

The English guy left and oppa and I shared the same looks.

"Who is he?" We asked at the same time

"I guess my sister is so pretty that even foreigners fall for her beauty" oppa teases me

"Shut up oppa. Lets go home-" I want to go home now like seriously

"Oh no! don't go home yet! Lets go to the.... to the-"

"Oppa, I'm all out of money already. Lets go home"

Sehun's phone vibrated

Sender: $uho

What? we need more time. Keep her busy for another two hours

To: $uho

What? We're all out of Money hyung. I forgot to bring money awhile ago

"Oppa. Who are you texting? Your girlfriend??" Saehyun teased

"What? No way! If I had one, you will be the first one to know" Sehun sat on a bench

"Lets go to a park. there's one nearby" Sehun changed the topic

"Oh! Just like old times?" Saehyun remembered

"Yeah. Just like old times sis" Sehun smiled


"Remember the time when you surprised me to an ice skating rink?" Saehyun remembered the past memories

"yeah. I still can recall. You we're shaking so badly and it was funny that teenagers are envy of us back then" Sehun laughed

"Yeah. You were such a great oppa ever since I was small" Saehyun leaned to sehun's warm body

"Oh, remembered the time when we went to HongKong Disney Land the first time?" Sehun played with his sister's hair

"yeah. Omma has to carry me because I was getting tired"

There was an awkward silence

I wonder. Why did mom and dad separated. Saehyun wondered

Sehun cleared his throat "So anyways, no suitors yet?"

"What? None of course" Saehyun look calm

"What? No suitors?" Sehun stared at his sister with disbelief

"how about you oppa. Any lucky girl that you want to introduce to me?" Saehyun teased her brother

"How would I look for someone when I'm already taken" Sehun hugged his sister

"Omo! who's the lucky one?" His sister look at him

"She's already looking at me"

"Oppa. Of course I'm your sister." Saehyun poked her brother's cheeks

they didn't know that someone is listening to their conversation and looking at them


"Lets head back to the dorm. Its getting cold oppa" Saehyun rub her hands

"Here take this" Sehun placed his coat on his sister's shoulders just like the part of any drama when a guy is being sweet to a girl

"You might catch a cold" Saehyun protested

"No, I'm a strong man already" Sehun patted his chest to prove it

"Haha. Lets go back now"

They walk to the dorm holding each other's hands

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