The Good News

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"What did Kris say?" Suho ask

"we're sleeping in the couch for the rest of the week" Chanyeol is still smiling

"Why are you smiling when we got punished?" Lay is weirded out

"The more the marrier right?" Xiumin asks

"Saehyun is sleeping with us!" Baekhyun jumped to his excitement

"Lets go camping in our living room!" Tao went to his room to get camping supplies

"I'm in charge of snacks and dinner!" D.o volunteered

"and I'll keep watch and make sure Kris hyung doesn't break our party" Sehun laughed

"Haha. Good one maknae!" Kai collected all pillows from the couch

"Lets surprise Saehyun shall we?" Luhan suggested

"Good one! Lets put Christmas light here and there to keep us away from Duizhang" Lay shows his funny side

"Good one! Chen! Reload all nerf  guns. All of them" Sehun ordered

"How did you-"

"Haha. Secret" Sehun winked

"You went to my room?! Omo! I thought I told you to-"

"Its alright. Atleast we have to enjoy later" Suho calmed Chen down

"Yeah Haha. Kris hyung will regret his punishment for us!" here we have a troll named Chen
"I'll be bringing a mini disco ball!" Suho proudly told everyone

"Yeah and don't forget to rent movies" Xiumin fixed the couch

"Here is the tent from two years ago" Tao returned

"Wow! Nice one!" D.O's eyes widened with the size of the tent

"there's another one but- Suho hyung. Can you buy another tent?" Tao begged


"lets just make a fortress out of the couch and those pillows. I'm sure it'll save Suho hyung money" Kai tries to save Suho's credit card

"no, lets buy because I think we will be camping for a month" Suho laughed

"But keep Saehyun busy. Sehun! Bring your sis to the mall, anywhere but here" Xiumin pointed out

"What about-" D.O covers Baekhyun's mouth

"She went to the store nearby and she will be home soon. Bring her-"

*the front door opens *

Sehun rushed to the door to see his sister holding a bag of groceries

"Sis, lets go somewhere. I remembered you need um...." Sehun looks around

"You still need to buy your shampoo. I'll go with you" Sehun dragged his sister outside

"That gives us enough time to make a castle " Suho grabbed His credit card


A castle seem inpossible but with Suho's magical card, anything is possibleXD

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