Busy Schedule

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"Bye sis!!!!" Sehun waved goodbye to his sis before their manager drive her to her school

"Goodbye!!!!! We will celebrate when you return!!!" Chen sends kisses

"Here! Cookies as your snacks! Share this to your classmates ok? I made around ten pieces for you" Kyungsoo hands a container

"Gomawo oppa!"

"Boys! You go shower! If I returned, you will have practice for your upcomming music video"

Luhan remembered something. While his hyungs are busy eating, he went out "Here is my number! Just incase" Luhan gave his number

"Thanks!!! " Saehyun smiled


In the car~

"Saehyun, if anyone asked about your personal life, tell them that your name is Kwon SeoJung. Tell them that you are a transferred from HongKong and if they ask about your parents, tell them that you run away and went to your aunt. is that clear?" Exo's manager seem strict with rules

"Yes oppa"


At school~

"Remember what I told you alright?"

"Yes oppa!" Saehyun smiled and waved goodbye

"So school huh? Sounds great" (note the sarcasm)

You saw many people staring at you like if you are an Alien

"What are you looking at?" You asked

The day passed quickly and it is now time to go home

You went to your locker and put your books inside

"Finally" she sighed

she closed her locker to be surprised by a guy looking at her

"Hey there beautiful" he winked

Although that wink is kinda attractive, she rolled her eyes and walk away

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" That guy suddenly grabbed your wrist

"Ouch! That hurts! Let go!" You pulled your arm but the grip is too strong

"ya! I don't care what you say!" The guy shouted at you

"Let go or be sorry" she threatened

"Haha. Because what huh? What can you do new girl?" Aish. If I can only punch him right now! But manager oppa said not to fight in this school

"Help!!!" You screamed but there were only few people around. Like only three? Four? Why do I always ran out of luck?

Managed oppa said that he cant fathch me and he will fetch me around 6pm because of Exo's tight schedule

It is now 5pm and class finished at 4:30pm.

"Let go you freak!" You screamed and tried to punch him but he caught your other hand

Those four boys that you saw earlier was walking to your way. Having something in their hand.... stick?

"Help!! Anyone!!!" She screamed but the guy covered her mouth with his hand

Saehyun got irritated and bit his hand

"You stupid girl!" The guy punched you and you're sure that exo will be asking you lots of questions later

"Get away from her!" you heard a voice

You were crying at the corner not from the pain but because you remembered the trauma you had

"And don't ever mess with this girl!" He shouted

"Are you alright new girl?" He asked

You saw the guy's face with a scratch and lips bleeding

"Omo! Your face!"

"don't worry about me. By the ways, I'm Lee JoonMin. And yours is?"

"Oh- I mean Kwon SeoJung"

"Lets get you treated. There is a nearby clinic. Lets go?" he asked you

"Sure" Saehyun stood up, head still looking down

"don't cry. You're too pretty to cry"


Saehyun texted exo's manager that she will just walk home so right after exo's practice, they will go home immidiately so they can rest

"Should I walk you home SeoJung?" JoonMin asked

"Sure" She replied and made sure her cheek and eyes doesn't looked swollen

"So where do you live?" He asked

"Just near the 7/11 at Gangnam" Saehyun licked her ice cream

She smiled remembering that time when Sehun and her sharing an ice cream and went home smelling like if they took a bath of sweet cream

"Why are you smiling?" JoonMin asks

"Oh. Nothing" Saehyun Replied

"So, why did you move here in Korea?" he asks

"Oh nothing. My aunt is supporting my studies so that means I should follow her" Saehyun answered

"Haha. THats funny. My cousin and brother is supporting my studies as well" JoonMin laughed at the coincidence

"Saehyun! Who are you with?"

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