Sleepless Night

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So this is my job? I'm so tired!

We've been filming for two months and I'm so tired. I'll just go rest at the couch. If you're asking me, the movie is a group of boys (EXO) in a high school. They are best friends but then because of a girl transferee (me) their leader fell in love to me and split the group into two (EXO M and EXO K). So they would try their best to catch my attention and they will try their best to make me fall for them. Then a group idol transferee (BTS) came to the same school and since their idols in this movie and EXO as ordinary students, BTS fell in love with my charms and there started a talent show/contest in our school so EXO K , EXO M, and BTS would battle towards each other. They made a deal that whoever wins, they will leave me and whoever won

So I drifted off to dream land quickly. I'm so tired

(Kyungsoo's pov)

Damn it's so hard at the drama. For the past days I noticed everyone gets tired especially Saehyun

Since my part is done I want to take a seat and rest. To my surprise Saehyun was there. Awww she looks like an angel when sleeping! Like Sehun

I noticed the dark circles under her eyes. Poor her

Is it just me or she really looks paler?

I touched her forehead

(Sehun's pov)

"Hyungs! Saehyun is sick! Guys!" Kyungsoo stared shouting and running around

Wait... Saehyun is sick?!

"Where is she?" I asked then starting to chase Kyungsoo

"Where?" Baekhyun, Chen and Kris asked

"How?" Lay, Kai, Suho asked

"When?" Chanyeol, Luhan, Tao and Xiumin asked

"It our dressing room! She has a fever" with that everyone rushed to the dressing room

"She's so hot!" Kai put his hand away

"Ya! Don't flirt with my sister" I warned

"No! I mean she has a high temperature" Kai explained

"He's right!" Chanyeol said

"Who has a towel she can use?" Lay asked

"Here. She needs this better than me" Suho took a towel from his bag

"Really hyung?" The towel that spelled out 'I'm RICH'


"Here! Put this on her forehead" Lay came back with a wet towel

"I'll go buy medicine" Chen volunteered

"I'll go with him" Tao volunteered

"Me too" Xiumin raised his hand

"Good! Here" Suho handed a credit card

"Really?" Kyungsoo asked

"What?"Suho asked with poker face

"Just go and buy! Hurry!" Kris clapped his hands to tell them to hurry

"Don't worry princess. You're safe with us" I whispered to her


(Saehyun's pov)

I woke up in a dessert. I should feel hot now right? Weird...

As I step after step the sand is like pulling me down. I can't be pulled down

I ran but every step I take is as heavy as eighty pounds of rice that are attached to my feet

I tried swimming but next thing I know was that a wet blanket enveloped me

I turned around and now I'm on the highest floor of the Empire State Building. I jumped down but it felt like if I were having a parachute but there is none.

I step at the ground but ended up jumping higher like there's no gravity

Next thing I knew, there is an ocean in front of me. I don't know how to swim

I landed in the water and went to the deepest part of the Pacific Ocean. I need to breathe air.

Once I need oxygen, I breathe normal air under water

Below rocks there was a shining light. I followed it and hoping it's an exit but wrong. Its my childhood memory.

I saw Sehun and Me during my first ice skating experience. I look pretty cute back then.

Oppa really did a great job to me that I didn't fall. Talking about falling. I can feel something on my leg...

I look back to see my legs starting to fade. I look at my hands and they were turning from pale to tiny papers floating away


Have you ever had fever and had these crazy nightmares? For me yes I've had plenty of those dreams XD

Sory for making you guys wait TT-TT

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