You Dont Know Me

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"Saehyun!  Who are you with?" I realize that I'm in front of my house and Xiumin is looking at me but he has a mask and messy hair since he is sick

"Is he talking to you?" JoonMin asks

"I Don't  know that man" she answered

(Xiumin's pov)

My head hurts. I want to go outside for fresh air.

My guts is telling me to go out

I put in my mask since I don't want any fans or paparazzi to recognize me and just want some fresh air really.

Hey isn't that Saehyun? Who is she with?

"Saehyun!  Who are you with?" I ask but the guy she was with looked at me confused and whispered something to my sis

"I Don't  know that man" she answered

what's going on here?

"Saehyun! Get back here!" I am now responsible to this girl, I don't want her close to any guy. I don't like her but I treat her like a sister

"Oh... hehehe its my brother" she went to me and laughed

"Then why did he called you Saehyun?" JoonMin asks

"Its becau-"

Saehyun covered xiumin's mouth "its because that's what he would usually call me when I am with a guy. You see, he really ships me and Exo's Sehun"

"Okay… I gotto go now. Bye! Nice to meet you SeoJung's brother!"

"You need some explanations to do, sis" Xiumin crossed his arms

finally updated!!!!
Updated: March 6,2016

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