Sleepover Party

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Hey guys! as you can see I'm focused to this book and to my readers wwho reads my other books, I'm sorry if I haven't updated them yet. I'm trying to finish this first so I can focus to my other stories. Anyways enjoy! :)



"Hahaha!" Saehyun Laughed at the now struggling Sehun

"That was unfair!"

"Oppa, what time is it?"

"Its... ITS 6PM ALREADY?!"

"how fast"

"Lets go home! We're so dead!!!"

"Copy that"


Saehyun and Sehun finally is infront of their dorm

"We need an excuse"

Ding dong~

We pressed the door bell

The door opened revealing an exhausted Tao "hyung! Sorry! We went..."

"We went to see my old friend and..." Saehyun look at Sehun for help

"And their car broke so we went to fix it"

"And we stop over their house to have some snack"

"and... and the two of us went to eat ice cream and ended up spilling it so we went to a store to buy tissues..."

"... and um... that's why we smell like ice cream. Right sis?"

"Yup. that's right" Saehyun Shared an awkward laugh with her brother

"Hyung! Is that the piazza delievery guy?"

"oh hey Sehun! where's the piazza delievery guy?" Suho asked


"ya! Do you know how long did we wait for you guys?" Kai acted angry

"awww... I'm sorry hyung. We just had a brother and sister bonding. Right sis?"

"yes. Its true. We had so many things to catch up with each other" Saehyun smiled

"So no food?" Lay frowned

"Wow. What is that?" Saehyun stared at the living room that has nine sleeping bags on the carpet

"Why are there nine sleeping bags?"

"We are caping here because duizhang kicked us out of our own rooms" Chanyeol smiled like crazy

"because of the sand prank earlier" Chen trolled

"Haha. Why are you good at speaking in Chinese and Korean?" Luhan got jealous

"Because I'm fab" chen flip his invisible long hair

"Xiumin! Why won't you help me with this dish?" Do shouted from the kitchen


"Hey guys! The piazza is here!"

"Yehet!" Sehun cheered

"Let the official sleep party begin!" Chen cheered

I love looking at that gif of TaoXD always makes me laugh when I'm in a bad mood. And I'm sharing it with you guys

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