Red Velvet Cup Cakes

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(D.O Kyungsoo's pov)

Four hours earlier~

"Yo! D.O! What's for lunch?" Kai asked hungrily


"I'm not kidding Kyungsoo. I'm really hungry. What's for lunch?" Ok he is scary but I didn't cook anything

"Don't be mad. We could always order pizza. Right Suho Hyung?" Chen trolled

"Well... we can order some pizza" Suho took out his platinum credit card

"Enough with the show off. I'm hungry" Sehun shouted like a kid

"Whatever. I'm ordering pizza" Suho went to the door

"Can I come?" Lay asked

"So that means I'm in-charge?" Kris who was watching a movie asked

"Well. Most likely" Xiumin took his headphones

"Just make sure Lay comes back in one piece" Tao laughed

"Hyung. I'm not that forgetful" Lay frowned

"He is not that bad. He is good at dancing" Baekhyun joined in the conversation

"-But still forgetful. Hahahahaha!" Baekhyun laughed

"That's harsh guys" Kris look at them

"Wow. Since when did Kris Hyung protect his hyungs?" Sehun open the fridge to get juice

"Kris Hyung is from China, so does YiXing hyung. Like me. That is why we're close to each other " -Tao 

"So that makes sense now" Lay smiled

"See. He's forgetful. He doesn't even know where he came from" Kai and everyone laughed except Lay

"Yeah! Baekhyun and Taehyung or V came from somewhere out there" Chanyeol laughed

"Ya! How many times should I tell you-

"Really. You two do look alike"            -Xiumin

"That's a coincidence alright? Besides I know Duaizhang (Kris) also came from another-"

"So you're saying I'm an alien?!" Here is the grumpy YiFan

"No no. You see, if you're from another country, you're called an alien when you enter our country. Like-"

"Oh... what he means that you're a foreigner in Korea so when you cane you you'll be called an alien because you speak a different language, you have different culture, different beliefs..." I explained

"Oh. I get it"

Phew! Close call!

"Quiet guys! My sister will wake up!" Sehun made that 'silent sign'

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