unexpected visit

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EXO and Saehyun got back to South Korea and SM ent. paid for the transportation so...no problem^^

"home sweet home!" Kai hugged the air

"I miss eating Korean food" Chen went to the telephone to order something

"Wow... your dorm looks.....neat" She expect to see dirty clothes laying around the floor, the smell of trash, and shoes unorganized. Saehyun was surprised that the dorm was so clean and she thought the opposite.

"Why surprised?" Xiumin asked still smiling

"Ehmm...." Saehyun is so speechless

"We are always neat here" Sehun proudly said

"Said the one who mess up alot" D.O said under his breath

"Haha, oppa. You didn't change abit" Saehyun blurted out

"Well... how about Luhan hyung? He also make the place dirty" Sehun pointed out

"But I clean up after" Luhan stuck his tongue out

"...well.... how about...Suho hyung? Have you even check his drawers and under his bed?" Sehun started dropping names

"Woah!Woah! I thought that was our secret huh?" Uh-Oh... Sehun just dig his own grave

"Stop it maknae. Atleast he is better" Kris chuckled

"Pfft. Says the worst one here" Sehun coughed

"Let's just order food ok? I'm hungry" Chen said from the telephone

"Ok. My treat..." Suho took out his wallet

...except the maknae" Suho added. He wants to make Sehun pay his own food because he broke their promise

"Fine, I have money anyways" Sehun went to his room

"Where will I stay?" Saehyun asked

"Here ofcourse" Baekhyun said sweetly

"No, she means which room" -Tao

"Sehun! You're sharing your bed with your sister!" Lay shouted

No response

"I bet that's a yes" Lay smiled

"Guys what do you want? We are ordering from shakeys" suho shouted from the telephone

" pizza! Pepperoni flavor!" Baekhyun and Chanyeol's said quickly

"Me too!" Xiumin added

"Hawaiian flavor!" D.O, Luhan, and Kris shouted

"Bacon flavor!" JongIn clapped his hands together

"Me too!" Lay and Tao shouted

"So three boxes of pizza. Pepperoni, Hawaiian and Bacon flavored pizza, two bottles of coke and some fries. Ok..yup! We live at Xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Ok. Bye!" Suho said to the telephone

"Let's wait for 10 minutes"

Five minutes later~

Ding dong~

" who could that be?" Chanyeol asked

"I dunno. Maybe sasaeng fans" D.O look up from his phone

"Look! D.O's drama is starting!" Kris cued everyone

"Finally! I've been waiting for this!" Baekhyun Sat at the sofa

"Ya! Sehun! Move your butt! Lay is sitting there" Chen warned

"Shush! Its starting!" Xiumin got annoyed

Ding dong~

"Open the door Tao! You're nearer" -Kyungsoo

"Annyeonghaseo! " a group of guy idols greeted


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Goal: 650 reads and 55votes please!

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