Unknown Text Message

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"So when's the filming?" Suho asked

"Tomorrow " RapMon said

"We Got to go now! And also bring your sis Sehun " JHope said before they left

The following day~

"Wake up Saehyun!" A deep voice woke me up

"Five more minutes" I rolled and took a pillow to cover my face

"Wake up. Sehun is vomiting blood!" A high pitch voice woke me up

"Where?" I jumped and head outside my room

"Yappie! You're up! Now go shower and we need to leave soon" why oppa... -_-


"Saehyun will sit beside me" Lay blankly answered

"No! She'll sit beside me" Baekhyun took my arm

"No! I'm the leader. She should sit beside me" Suho oppa proudly said

"Well... are you forgetting something? I'm also the leader dude" Kris said cooly

"She's my sis-"

"No! No more using that excuse maknae" Kyungsoo argued

"I'm her favorite. Right Saehyun?" Kai hugged me

"No touching!" Minseok stood beside Kai

"Wow... so that means I'll sit beside her?" Chanyeol joyfully asked

"No!" EXO said in unison

"So... where am I going to sit?" I asked. I seem not to exist here

"Here!" Everyone said fastly

"Nod she's sitting here!" Herr goes the argument again

"Quiet boys! She will sit at the passenger's seat" their manager said and I hopped in

"I told you she should sit beside me!" Sehun oppa said angrily

"No! I'm the leader and I should protect each one of you" Kris said with a poker face

"Awww... I'm so touched" Kyungsoo put his hand on where his heart is located

Kris oppa gave a what-the-he'll face to D.O

They're so funny. How are these guys 24 and 25 years olds?

All throughout the ride, EXO oppas are so noisy arguing to whom shall sit beside me -.-

I've heard Suho oppa said about a schedule

Then I received a text message

From unknown number:

Here's your schedule

Monday morning- Baekhyun
Monday afternoon- Chen

Tuesday morning- Kyungsoo
Tuesday afternoon- Luhan

Wednesday morning- Tao
Wednesday afternoon- Chanyeol

Thursday morning- Xiumin
Thursday afternoin- Kai

Friday morning- Kris
Friday afternoon- Suho

Saturday morning-Me! Your oppa! Yehet!
Saturday afternoon- Lay

morning- 6-2:59pm
Aftrnoon- 3-10pm

Thants all:)


"Did you received my text?" Sehun oppa asked

"Yeah how did you got ny number?" I asked

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