I finally met you

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(Sehun's pov)

"Hyungs, I will just go to buy some...stuff" I just feel like going out today

"Sure. Just don't be late" Suho said and waved goodbye

I'm wearing my shades and oversized sweater so my fans won't immediately recognize me because of too much disguises. But I also brought my back pack just incase I need to put stuff I bought here

I was walking happily and freely. I've never done this because I'm so popular. I'm not bragging but it's what we came so far...

Hmm... nice skating rink. I can't wait to bring Saehyun here if we ever meet again.

I went to the mall where we bump into each other and hopefully we will meet..

I went into a store and a dress caught my attention. This dress isn't for me silly. Its for Saehyun if we ever meet again

I went in and I think her size is small because when we bump into each other she looks skinny..so probably small is the right size for her

"Ahjussi, I will take that pinkish dress" I said as I came in

"Aren't you perhaps Exo's Sehun?" He asked...uh-oh

"Ani, you must be mistaken. My friends also say that we look alike" good reason there Sehun phew

"Are you sure? Because if you are Sehun you might need to wear this" he showed me a hat and a pair of sunglasses that looks cool

"Well... yes I'm Sehun ...please dent tell anyone. I don't want to be crowded by fan girls here" I simply replied

"I knew it. Can you please sign here? My nephew is a big fan of yours" he handed me a clean white paper

"Sure" I grabbed the pen and started signing

"There." I handed him the paper with a small message

"I'm actually the owner of this store and today is your lucky day, you can get that dress for free. May I know what size?" He asked and I was like O.O jinjja?

"Oh, her size is small. "

"Here you go! " he gave me a paper bag

"I will work hard sir! Thanks" I bowed and I can't remove the smile on my face

As I was walking I spotted a bubble tea store and went in there and ordered one. While waiting for my order I spotted a familiar figure...could it be? Saehyun?

She was scrolling on her phone while drinking bubble tea. So when I got my order I sat on the same table as her and she was watching our music video

(Saehyun's pov)

Mom and 'dad' had a business trip and they won't be home until next week -_-

So I decided to look around the mall and tried finding a small mirror so I can replace the broken one. Oh! Bubble tea!

I quickly went there and since there are no tiger costumers, I ordered and sat on the tables and chairs there

I was scrolling my news feed and EXO was in Disney land few days ago... I wish I can meet my UB (ultimate bias) there...Sighhh... I just went to YouTube and watched Exo's Growl since their dance is very good!

I was enjoying until a stranger sat in front of my table... my table! I liked up and saw a guy with hat and sunglasses and a black sweater

Is he going to kidnap me? I don't want to die yet -_-

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