2 Years Later~

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Epilogue chapter 1:

2 Years Later~


(Z.Seo's pov aka Saehyun)

Being an idol is no joke. Wow like we've been busy all the time but manager unnie always try to cheer us up...

Today is Seollal (January 27)

*Lunar New Year’s Day (Seollal) is one of the most important traditional holidays of the year; the holiday is much more significant than January 1st. Most businesses are closed, and people take several days off from work to visit their hometowns to be with their family. On the day of Seollal, everyone gets up early, puts on their best clothes, and bows to their elders as a reaffirmation of family ties. Feasts are held with specially prepared food such as Tteokguk and Manduguk. People play traditional games, fly kites, or spin tops

Manager unnie announced last night that S.M is giving us a 3-day day off and I really need that day off!!!

"Saehyunnie~~~ me and Banna are leaving now" Nina, my band mate knocked on my door

"Ohkhayyy.... Just go lock the doorrr..." I lazily answered back


Our group consists of:

Banna -leader, sub vocalist
Nina- Main vocalist
Me- Main dancer, lead rapper
Ynna- Face of the group, sub vocalist
Mina- Maknae, lead dancer

Our group name is Piñata, mysterious in the outside but full of unexpected surprises


So I'm the only one left in the dorm...

Last year S.M. treated us to a vacation at L.A. but this year since well... I ran away from home, I only have my oppa.

I still haven't met my dad tho... I'm really scared that he might not accept me.

I requested S.M Ent to keep it as a secret, about me being Sehun's sis and all...

If you're asking how me and JoonMin are, we're actaully a trending couple here haha... S.M didn't ban me from dating him because when the media found out 2 years ago, the sales of SM increased dramatically! But at first S.M scolded us but bought us some bubbletea cake as an apology gift (yes. Bubbletea cake)

So back to reality~

I don't have plans of getting out of bed today... I'm lazy af 😂😂

Well I'm kinda hungry.... But I'm too lazy to make breakfast...

I grabbed my phone from the nightshade and searched for Oppa's name


To: HawtSehun (I didn't add that as his contact name. Oppa wants it like that)

Hello good morning to my handsome bro~~ :-D

From: HawtSehun

Hey, I know that line! What do you need my lazy sister??? -_-

To: HawtSehun

Fine you got me. Can you please please buy me breakfast?? ( ̄ω ̄)/

From: HawtSehun

OH SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?!?!? Hasn't your boyfriend been taking good care of you?!?! ヽ( 'д´*)ノ

To: HawtSehun

Dude, my name isn't OH SERIOUSLY. My name is Oh Saehyun XD

From: HawtSehun

Now you're joking around? ( ̄ _ ̄|||) You woke me up just for this??? =_=

To: HawtSehun

Well, yeah hihihi (//▽//)

From: HawtSehun

Go ask your boyfriend. I need to go back to sleep (;⌣̀_⌣́)


Whattttaaaaa this sucks -_- I'm all alone... Hungry.... Lonely.... Lonely.....

To: JoonMin

Junnie oppa... Want to go out for a coffee?

2 minutes passed yet still no reply...

Oh right.... He went to his family.... how did I forgot that....

I lazily went out of bed and I checked my appearance in the mirror.... What is this on my face????? Pimple on new year?!? Whatttttt


As I stepped out of my dorm, the cool and breezy air greeted me

"Woah so cold" I said as I clenched my coat to protect me from the cold weather

I spotted a cafe in my direction. "Ah, a nice warm coffee would be great"

"One Americano please" I said and paid for my coffee. I sat by the window and took a look outside. Mesmerized by busy people walking to their destination.

I saw a father carrying his daughter who was holding cotton candy on her hand and feeding him some. I can sense they're having a great time due to the fact that they're laughing and enjoying each other's presence ....

I wish I could meet my biological father...

I wish there would be a Miracle this December (author-nim: see what I did there lol) 

Everyday I'm dying to meet my dad but I'm afraid that if we did meet again, I would be ignored or be snubbed. I know that won't happen cuz I'm his biological daughter but that could happen. He might not recognize me...

My thoughts wandered off but then I was distracted when a glass broke on the floor. Shards of glass scattered around and I was panicking, about to have a heart attack

There was a sudden scream and gun shots.

Minutes later there was chaos.

What is happening?

I hid under the table trying my best not to be seen by the criminal. I nervously speed dial my brother but my hands are shaking terribly

Panic. Everyone is panicking. Shouts, scream of terror, gunshots.

I don't want to die like this. I still have yet to bring my fellow Candies (fandom) more of my skills and passion for dancing. Please please please God please don't take me away from this world right now. I still want to meet my father.


Updated: July 4,2018

Sorry for not updating for over a year ,😂😂😂😂 sorry sorry very very sorry

But this book has already 99K reads like I had to try checking if this is real. And it is real!!!! Thank you fellow readers ❤️❤️❤️

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