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You explained what actually happened to Xiumin and he listened carefully

Few days later~

"Listen oppa, can you help me with Math?" You begged Sehun

"Math? Math??? I suck at that but what lesson are you in now?" He asks you

"Oh, I'm in Proving. its actually alittle hard" You smiled

"Oh. Proving?? that's just a piece of cake!!!" Sehun started teaching you


"What? I don't get it" you said for the eight time

"As you can see, this is the Given. Right? Then you see this line at connects two triangles, they look like the logo of Tao hyung's power at the Mama music video. So angle one and angle three are vertical angles" Sehun oppa explained carefully

"Wazzup hyung?" Luhan came in to Sehun's room while drinking juice

"oh God! Hyung!!! Help me. Math is awful" Sehun begged

"Hmmm… Alright. What do I get in return maknae?" Luhan emptied his cup

"You can-"

"alright! Request granted" Luhan started teaching you the hardest lesson in math

------Few days later~

"Omg!!! Thank you oppa!!! Ive got a 99% in math!!!" Saehyun showed her test paper to the almighty Luhan

"That calls for a celebration!!" Suho cheers

"Horay for my sister!!" Sehun hugged Saehyun

"Here! Congratulations!" Kris gave Saehyun his little cute replica of Ace

"Awww... so cuteee" Saehyun was convinced that Kris has a kind heart

"Xiumin hyung! Why don't you go get the polaroid in my room? Lets have a greoup picture! " Baekhyun squealed

"Which one bro? The hello Kitty one or the snoopy one??"

Baekhyun turned red. "The snoopy one!!!"

"Tomorrow I'm bringing you to my favorite place" Suho did a thumbs up

"And where would that be?" Sehun asks


updated: March 13, 2016

Where do you think is Suho's favorite place???

Comment down your guesses

And one more thing. Can you suggest things or ideas I can add into my Exo Chatroom book that will be published soon?? PM me or comment down here. don't worry. I will tag your name so you guys will have the credits

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