Close Call

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Soon someone opened the door

"Who is she?!" A booming voice asked

"Chill bro! She's the one Sehun was telling for the past 5years" Suho oppa saved me

"Wow! Yeah. Your poker face looks just like the maknae" their manager said

"Well, of course we're siblings!" I suddenly felt an arm around my shoulder. I looked up and I kept blushing

"What's your name beautiful?" me? Beautiful? ^_^

"Hyung! Stop hitting to my sis!" Sehun playfully hit their manager

"Yeah. Were here to protect her" Chen patted my back

"Kamsa oppa" I let out a sincere smile

"This is good news! Lets celebrate!" Suho took out his credit card. As usual

"Hyung! A bucket of 15 chicken and what do you guys want?" Suho asked

Lay: Oh! I want sushi!

Baekhyun: I want ice cream and noodles!

Kai: me too! I want ice cream! And I want pasta

Kyungsoo: I want to try Chinese food

Kris: I'll go with the usual

Suho: what is it?

Kris: dumplings and Chinese food. Duh~

Suho: ok... *writes on a paper*

Chen: I want popcorn! And some Japanese food

Xiumin: I want steamed buns! Lots of it!

Sehun: don't you ever get tired tasting the same food over and over again?

Xiumin: how about you? Don't you get tired of being the maknae?

Sehun: what's the point of that to eating the same food over and over again?

Xiumin: that's what I mean.

Sehun: -.-

Suho: next please *pissed*

Tao: bibimbap will do

After Suho got everyone's order

Suho: how about you dongsaeng?

Me: Oh, anything will do!

Suho: what do you want? My treat

Sehun: give her strawberry sundae. She loves it

Me: you remember!

Sehun: of course, you're my sister *wink*

EXO: awwwww~

Sehun: yeah and I warn you, if you flirt with my sister you'll never see the sun tomorrow

Kris: :(

Baek: I know she likes me *winks*

Me: *blush*

Sehun: *gives a dont-you-dare-do-that-to-my-sister face*

EXO:* scared*


Sorry if this chapter is abit boring ~.~

Goal: 600reads and 50votes!

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