Easter Disaster

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Few days later~

"Hyung! Wakey wakey! Its Easter!" Baekhyun was kicking Chanyeol for awhile now

"So what?" Chanyeol asked covering his face

"Kyungsoo mama made Chocolate cookies!" Lay entered the room and left crumbs at the carpet

"Ya! Who is eating? And left crumbs at the ground?!" Kris stepped on one and followed the trail

"Ya! Lay-"

"Shhhh...hyung! Do you want some cookies? Kyungsoo mama is making! Wanna grab or steal some?" Lay winked

"Yeahhh sure!"

"Come follow me! Be quiet alright?" Lay lead Kris to the kitchen and they were moving like a part of the army of a spy something like that

"Down!" Lay whispered to Kris as they were almost caught by D.O.

"Ya! Why are we sneeking?" Xiumin whispered from behind who was crawling

"Ya! Why are you here?" Kris shout-whispered

"No! The question is why are you like that?" Xiumin asked

"Shhhh! Dyo Mama will catch us! " Lay warned

"We will steal..erm I mean...taste Kyungsoo's cookies" Lay answered quickly

"Ohhhh...I see" Xiumin smiles

"Kyungsoo! Kris is calling you from his room!" Xiumin shouted

"Why? Alright I will be there!" Kyungsoo took off his apron and went passed us because we are hiding from the edge of the kitchen counter

"You should thank me" Xiumim smiled in victory

"That wasnt part of our plan but this is better than kidnapping Kyungsoo" Kris quickly took a handfull of cookies

"Ya! Kris were are you?" Kyungsoo asked who was nearby

"Hide! Hide there!" Lay pointed to the stock room beside the kitchen

"Ya! Who ate my cookies?" Kyungsoo shouted

"Did you just say cookies?" Sehun appeared and took some and ran away

"Go there! Kyungsoo made cookies!" Sehun told the other members

"Really? What kind?" Chen asked

"Vvvhocoulate vookieshh" Sehun put two pieces of cookies in his mouth

"Wow! I love chocolate!" Kai went out of his room and went to the kitchen

"Ya! Suho! The kids are stealing my cookies for Easter!" Kyungsoo deffended his cookies with his small body as Baekhyun jump around

"Luhan hyung! Tickle Kyungsoo" Tao was trying to get some but failed

"Dont! Dont tickle me or else I wont cook tonight" Kyungsoo warned

"Ya! Stop it! Ya!" Luhan was tickling poor Kyungsoo

"Hey! Stop the mess!" Suho came out of his room and glared at everyone. He looked around

"where is Kris, Xiumin and Lay?"

"Oh yeah, where are those?" Kai asked looking around

"Look! Crumbs!" Chen pointed to the carpet leading to the stock room

Inside the stock room~

"Aish! Hyung! Your feet!" Lay whinned

"Shuddap! You were the one who suggested that we hide here" Kris was munching the cookies they loot from Kyungsoo's kitchen

"Omo! I think They found us!" Xiumin was peeking through a hole

"Shhh! Move up there!" Lay pointed to the ladder like structure

"Why is there a ladder here?" Kris asked suspiciously

"Hey! I found something!" Xiumin was holding a book like thing

"Whatever! Just climb up here so we wont get caught! Hurry!" Lay was now at the top of the ladder

"I dont think they are in here..." Chanyeol's voice was heard

"Whatever. Let us just check" Luhan opened the door finding no one

"Told ya" Chanyeol stuck his tongue out

"But I heard noice awhile ago" Baekhyun nodded to what Tao said

"Maybe they are nearby" Kai went to look for them

As they closed the door, Lay slipped because of nervousness. "Kris! Get down! I might fall"

"Xiumin! You get down first!" Kris whispered

As Xiumin went down, Kris followed... when Lay was going down he didnt know that there is still one more step so he fell and the stock room's door opened revealing Lay on top of Kris and Xiumin

"Aha! I caught the theives!" Sehun was jumping in victory as the rest ran to see the scene

"Hyung! That looks wrong!" Kyungsoo covered his eyes O.o

"Hey boys, I just drop by to tell you that-... why are Kris, Xiumin and Lay on top of each other?" Manager hyung was confused to see the scene that Lay was facing both Kris and Xiumin like the three of them will kiss each other

Kris, Xiumin and Lay starred at each other blankly

"Ya! Lay! Stand up! Kris is mine! Only mine! Get up or I will wushu you!" Tao broke the akward silence

"Ah. Yes yes..." Lay stood up and his face turned a dark shade of pink

"Ya! Lay! Please dont do that!" Suho had a blank face

"Sorry! I promise I wont do it again!" Lay hugged Suho

"So what were you saying hyung?" Kris asked their manager

"Ermmm...never mind. I just came to tell that you will have a fan meet and greet tomorrow. Wear something nice alright? I will pick you up at 9am tomorrow"

"Okay! Bye!"


Is it good? Anways, thank you for the readers who read my story, I am so happy^^ but can you guys do me a favor by voting? Please?

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