Day Three- Vessel

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(I am not sure I need a disclaimer for this or not, but I thought I'd say something. I did not make this following topic up. I did write this, but there are truths in this that I beg you reader(s) not to ignore.) 

When people think of a vessel, they normally think of a ship, but there is another big definition. Another huge meaning of vessel. A vessel of Christ. That means you are overflowing with Christlikeness and God's love. It means showing Jesus Christ in your life, and so many more wonderful things.

Being a vessel of Christ is literally the best thing you can be. You get to accomplish great things and help so many people. You then get eternity in heaven, fulfilling your purpose in life.

When you are a vessel, you don't have to fear anything from humans. They can't take you away. They can't spoil the plan. When you are a vessel, you don't need to stress or worry. You are cared for and protected. Even if it is not in the way you would think or expect.

Some people think being with Jesus Christ means losing fun. It doesn't. Yes, things do change, but change is not a bad thing. You gain more than you could ever lose.

There is a process to becoming a vessel though. And a few things that will help you grow and understand what it is to be a vessel. No. 1 is a Bible. A Bible is your personal help with everything. Your Bible will tell you about who you are a vessel for and what He did for you. A Bible will answer many questions you have and is a way to talk to God. Another help in your life will be a pastor. A true and loving pastor, who knows who he serves. Having other Christians around you too can be a big help.

In the end though, you don't need material things to be a vessel. What you need, who you need is God. Becoming a vessel is recognizing your sin and failure, your inability to be able to save yourself, and your immense need for God. You can't go to Heaven on your own. You have sinned. What you need to not only know, but believe and trust is this:

Jesus Christ was born of a virgin

He lived a human life on earth without ever sinning (the only person ever to do that)

He was killed for nothing on a cross

three days later He rose from the dead

He went into heaven and is at the right hand of the Father

He IS God

He is eternal

He is the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

As you grow as a vessel you will learn more and hear what God is calling you to do and not to do. You need to put in effort though and have faith. God loves His children and that is who you will become. He is greater than any one and understands you, even when you feel no one else does.

One final thing: Unlike many stories posted here, this is not fiction. 

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