Day Four- Knot

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(A/n disclaimer- characters belong to the makers of HTTYD and RTTE) 

The twins are helpful, they really are. Hiccup reminds himself. He knows they are helpful, but times like these makes him wonder if it would be better without them. I know I am going to feel guilty about thinking this later. He feels like a hypocrite too after all those times of telling Astrid that the twins are useful.

It all started with a training exercise at the Edge. Hiccup was proud to report that after three years they did all trust their dragons and had good bonds, but then there is what Astrid said.


"Yes, Astrid." hiccup said distracted with his newest invention.

"Fine, if you are to distracted I will just prove to you my point by taking Toothless." Astrid threatened.

"Wait, what!" Hiccup turned around and motioned Toothless, who was now awake, over with his hand.

"That got your attention."

"Yes, so leave my bud out of this."

"I can't. That's the point I am trying to make. We are all relying too much on our dragons. Don't interrupt! Think about it, how well can the team fight without our dragons? Actually fight. Outside of us trusting your on-dragon-back plans, do we ever trust each other?" Astrid pointed out.

"Okay. Let's say you are right. What do you purpose?" Hiccup asked.

(back to present day.)

The dragons were back at the camp to keep everything safe and they had even called Stoick in to watch base while they trained. How Astrid convinced his dad, Hiccup will never know. So, they went out on a survival mission. Three days in the woods to learn to trust each other. Unfortunately, they forgot about all the dragon trapper traps. And they happened to be in the section that the twins were responsible to trap.

So here they are, without dragons, day one and surrounded by knots of rope. Hiccup sighs again. He looks over and sees that the twins have knotted themselves into a human pretzel. Somehow they got trapped in the same net and haven't killed each other yet or blown.... blown something up?

"Please tell me you have a plan!!" Snotlout complains again.

"How about you think up a plan, Snot." Fishlegs grumbles.

"Actually , Hiccup, if you had a plan that would be great." Astrid tells him. She is stuck in a net with Snotlout."

"The twins make stuff blow up without trying it seems." Hiccup ponders aloud.

"So? Has being upside down made you insane?!" Snotlout asks.

Hiccup rolls his eyes as he tries to reposition himself again.

"So what if they were trying?" Fishlegs starts to catch on.

"These are their nets." Hiccup hints.

"And they were for Hunters." Astrid smiles.

"Ruffnut! Tuffnut!" Hiccup calls to their tree they are stuck in, "can you guys focus please."

They did not hear.

"Muttonheads!!" Astrid yells. Wow, she really doesn't want to be stuck with Snotlout. The twins look up and untangle themselves, as much as possible.

"You two set up these traps, did you add anything explosive?" Hiccup asks.

The twins look at each other and smile. They start whispering quietly in such a way that probably only Loki could understand.

"Now we should have thought of this, but anyways, as they do that, everyone else see if they have something to get out with." Hiccup advises.

A found dagger, monstrous nightmare gel, and twin power fire later they were out. Of course everyone had a burn or cut of some sort, but it could be worse. Snotlout was by far the worst off. (He was stuck with Astrid).

"See, we are useful!" Tuffnut praises about himself.

Astrid looks at Hiccup, but instead of giving her a knowing look Hiccup looks down guilty. Well I knew I was going to feel guilty. I am glad though that the twins have the ability to explode pretty much anything.

And that is when the fires started picking up. Hiccup looked around and sighed. They untangled that knot, but here is a new problem.

"Ya know, maybe not the best trust exercise not having the dragons at all." Astrid says.

"Actually, it worked quite well. I think we can trust each other a bit more." Hiccup reasons.

"We are running back to get the dragons, right?!" Fishlegs worries.

"Yeah, let's go." 

(A/n If I think a certain day is important or should be kept in mind, I will set it apart.) 

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