Day Eight- Watch

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(A/n This one gets a little complicated. Also, disclaimer, I have no claim to Alice and Wonderland. One last thing, I sorta regret how I ended this. ) 

Coach looks at the watch on his wrist. The time on the scoreboard was thirty seconds left. We are down by five and the ball comes in.


"Breath, breath, breath." he coached. He looked at his watch quickly. "10 more seconds. You got this. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1."

The young wife sighed in relief and laid back on the bed. Her sister, who was with them left to tell the family and nurse another one happened and it was closer. A second later his mother comes in with ice chips.


You follow the little creature after you have gotten up off the ground. He skampers away. You race after him and see him pick out a watch from his coat pocket (yes he apparently has some style) and look at the time.

"Oh, I am late. I am very late!" he mutters.


The Point gets the ball and dribbles it down. She gives a fantastic pass to the best shooter on the team and they nail a three. The other team gets the ball and starts dribbling the other direction. We race behind them, trying and trying. Likely my tall friend, who thought ahead, was already down there and stopped the lay-up.

19 seconds.

We are going back to our side. I am slightly behind the point guard as I passed the ball in. Unfortunately that previous shot reminded the opponents of our best shooter's skill. There are two people on her now. 


She was very nervous. The time was coming and her mother was not here yet. This was such an important day. How could she miss!

The Doctor came in to tell her it was time. The nurses had told her a few minutes ago that young woman was ready. The new mother was about to see her child for the first time in nine months. Oh how she had yearned for this. The day was here. But her mother wasn't.

10 centimeters. Okay time to start pushing.


You chase after him for a while. You can feel the time pass. In the air, in the temperature, in the lightning. It is exhausting. He is a fast little dude.

You finally catch him.

"Where are you going?! Where am I?" You inquire.

"To tea, and I am very late. You are in Wonderland. Would you like to come to tea with me?" He says.

"Um... sure. On the way, can you tell me about Wonderland?" You say.

"Of course, dear! You know, you remind me of another child that came here years and years ago. Her name was Alice."


I pass my friend on the court and turn around to see her overwhelmed.

10 seconds.

The posts are both stopped. I am the only person without a guard. I am known to not be the best player. Most people know that if I do shoot, it is close up. Secretly though, I have been working on my threes. With no choice but to pass to me, I get the ball. Somehow I am at the top of the key.

5 seconds.

I aim.

4, 3,2,

I shoot.



Score!! We won!


Her mother rushes into the hospital. She is quickly directed into the emergency room.

"Mom! You're here!" the young daughter exclaims with relief.

"Yes, and you got this." her mother assures.

30 minutes later the daughter and her new baby girl are surrounded by family. Mom was just in the nick of time.


You end up having tea with them. The Hatter said that he never met a nicer boy. It was nice. After a few hours you also find your way home. It was like no time had passed.


"Interesting, those ended well. Though, it is always interesting watching from the watchtower." 

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