*Day Sixteen- Compass

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"So we are lost." Kala says to the group.

"Really?!" I snark.

"Dominique!" Farley chastises me.

"Right, right. I am sorry, Kala. that was rude." I tell her.

"It is okay. I forgive you." she says.

"Afterall, we are all stressed and tired." Keith tells the group.

"That doesn't justify it. I need to better control myself." I counter.

"Who doesn't?" Zeke asks, "anyways back to the problem on hand?"

"True, we need to find a way out of here and solve the problem." Farley says.

"So any idea anyone? We could really use a good one."

We all look to the sixth member of the team. We look to Makena. She is our groups smartest member. We are all smart in our own way, but she is like our Donatello in TMNT. Not the leader, but the one to turn to for most intellectual help.

"Why are you looking at me? Farley and Keith are the leaders. Zeke knows this territory. Kala is the cool logical one. Dominique has any gadget you could ever need. Stop looking at me!" Makena says all hot 'n bothered.

"Makena, we-we know you- we know that you always- always have-uh." I stutter out.

"A way to use what we might have." Zeke says.

"A plan." Keith says.

"We normally come to you for most if it anyways." Farley adds on.

"You always have something. We can trust you and know that you can help us fix our problems." Kala ends.

We thought it would help. We needed it to help. We needed her ready. We need her.

It didn't.

"I am not an indispensable source of knowledge!" She explodes. "I am only human! I get tired too! I can't go forever! You can't expect me to."

We were silent. After about a dozen minutes we were all apologizing. Makena came in too, as she felt guilty for her well deserved explosion. We all hugged and took as long as of a break as we dared. We are still in trouble after all.

Zeke uses his territory knowledge to find the way north. A little bit later I find a compass in my bag. Kala uses her logic. We come to the conclusion that once we can find our way out, using the compass, then we can fix the problem. As we follow the compass, mainly Kala and me, Zeke is in the back comforting Makena, with his arm around her. I look back to also see Keith and Farley murmuring to themselves, thinking of a plan.

Suddenly I am shoved out of the way. I look over to Kala. she had pushes me out of the way of a tree. I give her a smile and we come back together to look at the compass and find the way to go.

We are not out of the woods yet, but we will be. We will be okay. It is just a leap of faith. We will recharge and win the day. We are just human, but why should that stop us. We will build off each other. We will pick each other up. WE WILL BE OKAY. We have to. I need to believe that, for all of our sakes. That, in a way, is my real job. Kala's too. So, I do believe that.

(A/n To be honest the movie really helped with the ending of that, I hope you like it.)

(A/n2 Italizes line is taken from Spiderman into the Spiderverse. I do not own that by any means. I do not own 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by any means. I do not own any other movies, shows, or books that I reference.) 

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