*Day Twenty-two- Open

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(A/n please reference day 16 for this day)

Over the late autumn and winter months the trio did not meet up. Natalie was busy with basketball, being cleared from her concussion. John took the season to work more after school. He went to all of Natalie's games and cheered her on. He still hadn't asked her out and went the whole season without doing it. He did get her a Christmas gift though. It was a beautiful necklace that she wore whenever she could. Agatha did not talk much to the best friends. She worked on her magic in the confines of her house. Apparently she leveled up to the next level of magic according to her family. Her grandmother was very proud.

They decide to meet up mid March at Natalie's house. They all go outside in the backyard. John, despite his uncertainty about the thing, did some research on what Agatha said back in October about Natalie's powers.


Kala and I saw the forest clearing in front of us an hour or so ago. We all gathered together to work on the plan. The problem needs solving. We finally got a lead after months of worrying about them. Now we are at the edge of the forest looking out at our future. Are they still alive? No, I must be positive. We will be okay. They will be okay. And we will save them. I gaze confidently at the building in the far distance for a second.

We have only been in the woods a few days, but it feels to me like two weeks. While we are low on food, Zeke managed to get a deer with some of my gadgets and Farley and Kala got a fire going to cook it.

I sit by Makena near the edge of the trees.

"You okay, Dominique?" she asks, "I know you are not a fan of killing of any sort."

"I am okay, Makena. This is just more real than eating it long after it has been gone." I say, the chuckle, "yeah definitely more real."

Makena gives a small smile and slight chuckle. "Yeah, I feel ya. I had to stay away when Zeke and Keith brought it in and stuff."

"The rest of the present team had a much tougher stomach than us. Um..."

"Go ahead and ask. I can see you are thinking about it. " Makena knowingly encourages.

"Okay. Have you had a moment of plan inspiration for finding them?" I ask.

Just as she is about to answer, Farley calls out, "what is that!"

All heads turn to where he is pointing to my far left and in front of me.


I am surprised that John did research about Natalie's powers. I had too thought over the meaning of what I said in October. John gave off a strange vibe, and now that my powers have increased and I am stronger, that vibe has grown a bit, or well it is more obvious to me.

John whispers something into Natalie's ear and she thinks over it. They then walk over to where I have been standing for 15 minutes in a misty rain.

"Do we have a goal to reach today with our powers, Natalie?" I ask.

"Yes, Agatha, I think we do. John gave me an idea for what 'travel' means. So, I am going to try it. We are going to circle up and hold hands." Natalie says to me.

"Okay, do you need me to help at all?" I ask.

"Um... no thank you. I need to figure out myself if I can do this. If it works, though, I might need your help with doing it again."

"Okay, if you are sure." I say.

We circle up. Natalie closes her eyes to focus. She is not saying anything, though, which is odd to me, because I almost always need words for magic. John starts muttering encouragements. I start to feel a small pain inside of me and urge to let go of his hand.


Natalie had been focusing all her energy to do as John suspected. As she went she could feel something building, so she jumped on the chance to build on that.

John had been quietly saying encouraging words to Nat, but stopped when he saw it. This weird circle (I guess) of energy started to form and build in the center of the circle they made. It got bigger and bigger. It was like something was opening.


We all slowly closed on the thing Farley pointed out. We stayed in the forest technically though. It almost made me think of a portal. It was getting bigger, but then just vanished.


It was open! Nat had opened that thing. "Woooooooaaaahhh!" John got out before


A second later 3 people holding hands were there instead of that weird cloud substance thing.


Natalie opened her eyes to see something that was not her back yard. They were in a desert-like place, right outside a forest. In the clearing trees she saw 6 people, 3 guys, 3 girls.

"It worked!" John exclaimed.

"Natalie, dear, I think you can teleport to different places in the world." Agatha said.

One of the new people Nat was staring at cleared their throat. The trio quickly let go of each other's hands and turned to face them.

"Who are you?" one of the boys, who looked like the leader, said.

(A/n can anyone guess which story-line is coming in next from the text?)

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