*Day Twenty-one- Fuzzy

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 (A/n you may want to keep in mind day 5)

-----------------(3 days later)-------------------

After talking to her female relatives Agatha came to a conclusion. In short they were basically going to look into a crystal ball. Agatha had invited the duo over to her house. The Welsh household now had a designated room for that work. The deal was one or some of her aunts and grandmother would help empower the process from outside the room so no one else would find out who exactly was there. Apparently according to her mother, they could feel the power though.

John, Natalie, and Agatha sat around a small circular table, like the one at the school. Agatha closes her eyes to focus. She says something in a combination of strange languages, and English. It sounded demonic to John. He leaded as far back as he could in his chair. It creaks. Nat gives him a sharp look. He doesn't back down. His face shows fear. He slides out of his seat and takes a step back. Natalie stares for a minute before looking back at the ball. Agatha takes an intake of breath. Natalie leans forward.

"Your powers will include travel and ice." Agatha said in a misty voice swaying. "In euphoria, the moon is weightless. Stars tell north, Luna lifts seas and guides lost."

John, mustering bravery and ignoring his (logical) fear came close again. Natalie was leaning back in her chair. She looked like she was intrigued. Agatha opened her eyes and looked at them oddly.

"You are taking this very well." Agatha observed. Again she wondered what was being unsaid. Had they practiced at home and came to the same conclusions?

"Well, you have talked a lot about all of this so we are becoming pretty well versed and things are becoming more believable." John said.

"Also, after Wednesday, I guess you could say we were ready, in a way." Natalie added on.

Agatha hummed along, refocusing on the ball. Something else was coming up. It was a fuzzy image. Agatha looked deeply into the picture. John sat back down.

"Interesting." Agatha said.

"What do you see?" Natalie asked.

"I believe it is one of our-John's ancestors."

"What!" John was outraged.

"Yes." Agatha insisted. "I am told this is one of your ancestors. Did you know that you are a descendant of a woman named Catherine. She used to use ravens to send letters to people. During one quarantine time she sent over a hundred letters to her best friend. She was also the fourth oldest of over twelve children."

She went on to tell more about Catherine, which Natty was very interested in. John lost interest again. This seems wrong. I am not sure why I feel this way, but something is putting me against Agatha and I have no idea why. Going to her was my idea. This is confusing.

John got home a little after two. He saw Natalie off too. She seemed worried, but it was unclear if it was about John or her powers. She was planning on practicing soon if she could. She was starting to get excited, but part of her wondered back to Jaci Sasi.

(A/n please do not use crystal balls or things of that sort.)

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