*Day Twenty-six- Connect

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It had taken a while, especially for John, Natalie, and Agatha, but they had made it down the cliff.


We gather with our team and that new trio at the bottom of the cliff. Dominique manages to connect to some service, Makena must have hacked into that place's WiFi connection. Dom sends a message to the Secret Security Defensive Operation for Special Violations, or the SSDOSV. We start into some conversations. We learn how the team met the trio and what the trio can do. It is interesting. The idea of magic being used to save us unsettles us though. We do not trust it. Natalie's powers seem intriguing. We wonder how we got them. We look at each other. We had an idea. Something Zeke told us years ago. It is also another reason we do not trust magic.

At the same time we speak up, "Jaci Sasi."

"What?!" most of the group asks. The ones who don't are Zeke, John, and Natalie. The latter two actually look at each other.

"What about Jaci Sasi?" Zeke asks, concerned.

"Natalie's powers sound like what you told us about Jaci Sasi." We explain.

"Who is Jaci Sasi?" Dominique asks.

"And what does she have to do with Nat's powers?" John asks defensively.

"Let's just say, I hope they are wrong and Natalie's powers have nothing to do with Jaci Sasi." Zeke starts.

Sensing a story, all 11 of us sit down. We all have time anyway. It is a bit until the others come.

"I have heard that name, Jaci Sasi, many times in my life. For those who don't know, my family is a big part of the protection program. We had heard about this long lasting being that appears every few decades or so, and when they are in town it doesn't end well. Well, it hasn't ended well in the past 100 years or so. Jaci Sasi is a person or creature of legend. Normally she is said to be a lady. She is said to be pale in a long dress and black hair, though some legends have her with blonde white hair. Her name means moon moon. She is two faced. She is the dark side of the moon. Jaci Sasi appears nice and helpful when they first appear, but soon the true colors are shown. The Jaci Sasi wreaks havoc, and is simply evil. They hurt people, but then disappears. Legends and observations have depicted them with flying, control over water and ice (mainly), and disappearing suddenly. Jaci Sasi is a spirit and a very powerful one at that. Occasionally, people might talk about other powerful spirits like this one, but none as well known or wicked." Zeke finishes with suspense.

The group is all quiet. We did not expect that when we asked. We had always thought it odd though that while Zeke's family has been part of the organization the longest, he is not one of the leaders. When we asked him that a while back though, he said he never wanted to be leader, just part of the team. Leading and power had brought trouble to his family in the past.


Natalie was quiet and thoughtful, as well as John. John had taken her hand near the end of the story and was rubbing a comforting circle with his thumb. Natalie had started to feel sick to her stomach. What thing had she met. What dark power was in her. The two looked at each other. John re-confirmed to himself that he would help Nat in any way he could. Nat wondered, 'If I use them for good though? It should be okay, right?'

After a few minutes of silence, conversations gradually broke out again. A quarter hour later Makena pointed out to the group a helicopter in the distance coming toward them. Natalie concluded that they must have been coming to save them. When the helicopter was about halfway there it started to lurch. They group was a bit startled, as they were watching it after sending a flare into the air to notify them. When it was even closer it started lurching more and shaking some. The group started to get worried. As the helicopter started to get even closer it started to fail and dropped a few feet.


We watch in fear as the helicopter starts dropping more and more a little at a time. Guilt starts to fill me. If someone dies, I was the one who called them. I even recommend one of the people coming. I then realized that there were probably flight vehicles at the fortress we could have used. The helicopter makes another frightful lurch and falls a bit more.

I run up and grab the walkie-talkie from Kala's belt. "Come in. come in." I call in after altering the frequency.

"Agent Blaine? Is that you?" a voice crackles over. Half of the group looks at me with hope or slight confusion.

"Yes. it is me." I start.

"Dominique!" a friendly voice yells over, and I can hear the shuffle of the walkie-talkie and people. "Did you guys complete the mission? Are they safe?"

"Yes, we completed the mission. Everyone is fine. But are you guys okay? What is going on with the helicopter?" I answer.

"The engine and rotor blades are overheating and it has been... ah... almost glitching on us." the answer comes across.

I notice Natalie thinking a few yards away. If she could only get up there, her ice could help. All of the sudden, she is flying up in the sky.

"Whelp." Farley observes in shock.


Natalie wasn't sure where the idea to try to fly came from, but there and then she was. She briefly wondered, and this, she figured, was why she decided to try to fly, if the teams would connect this to her being related somehow to the Jaci Sasi idea. She flew up closer to the failing helicopter rotors and sent out of her hands a cold fog/mist/cloud. It was almost like a mini flurry. It wasn't powerful enough to freeze the rotors in place, so they kept spinning. Then she flew underneath and iced the underside of where the engine would be. Natalie flew back up to beside the helicopter and motioned for them to open the door. One by one Natalie flew down a passenger and then re-iced under the engine as it was quickly melting.

Soon it was just the pilot left. He could not have left without the whole copter falling. Natalie had started to get worried again.

"Okay, Sir, I have one idea, but I am not sure it will work." she said.

"Well, girly, this machine is about to fail on us, so I will try your chance." the man said.

Natalie had put her hand on his shoulder and focused. After a minute had passed Natalie felt a power pass through and around her. She felt her foot and knee hit solid ground. Nat opened her eyes and saw she was back with the group. Everyone was cheering. Agatha gave her a proud smile. John gave her a hug. She did it. She teleported! Properly! Everyone was congratulating her and calling her a hero. 

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