*Day Twenty-nine- Patch

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When the next full moon came, Natalie went up to the small hill where she first met JC with John. She fell to her knees. It was time. Natalie felt for Jaci Sasi's powers again and sent out feelers. She concentrated and it was like she almost sent a signal out. After a minute Natalie felt an answer. It was only a few minutes more before a familiar figure appeared in the distance. Natalie felt anger rise up inside her. Jaci Sasi came closer, her dress flowing around her legs.

"You look angry Natalie? Is everything alright?" Jaci Sasi asked politely.

"I can't believe you." Nat said hotly. "I know who you really are and I want nothing to do with it."

"Who I really am? What are you referring to?" Jaci Sasi asked.

"People are dead!" Natalie exploded. "I hoped I could use this evil power for good, but I can't. Take this cup from me. I will not go down the same path."

"You want me to take your gifts away? Where did this come from, Chosen?" Jaci Sasi was confused.

"I know what you have done. I do not want to be evil, so take these powers back. Please." Natalie explained.

"Oh." Jaci Sasi murmured. She was quiet for a minute. "I can explain!"

"Really?! Explain why you, this long lasting spirit being with crazy powers, purposely chose to hurt and cause so much destruction?" Natalie degraded.

"Yes, I can. If you give me a chance." Jaci Sasi said.

"You don't deserve it." Natalie said.

"You have every reason to think that, but you don't know the whole story." Jaci Sasi begged.

Natalie sighed and sat down.

"Okay." Jaci Sasi started. "The Jaci Sasi is one of generations. She is a mantle that passes down. You get the name and power. This has happened at least four previous times. I don't know when it began. But I do know that you, Natalie, are the next one. Originally Jaci Sasi was associated with love, charity, and fertility. I mean come on, we give water to people. My predecessor though, was different. She didn't use her powers for good and defaced our name. As for me, and the more recent legends about me, I was immature and so unprepared. I made a lot of mistakes and I have always felt awful. I can feel the goodness in your heart and I know you are the one to make this name mean something good again. Something great. And since you have already been chosen and the powers have already started to pass, I cannot take them back. You are the next Jaci Sasi and I am sorry, but you can't get out of it. My time is almost up. My powers will continue to drain from me and go into you. At most, I can speed it up. The Jaci Sasi lives for at least a hundred years. And when we reach a certain age, we can stop aging. I am a hundred and 4. That does include my pre JC life. When it is your time to choose the next Jaci Sasi, I ask that you take time and make sure to find the right one. "

As she talked, JC had seen Natalie's face melt of her anger. Nat had heard such terrible things, but she had a connection with JC and knew she was telling the truth. Natalie had soaked up all that was told her.

1. Jaci Sasi wasn't bad

2. We had to keep the powers

3. Her fate was sealed

4. She would lose everyone

5. She would live for over 100 years with this

6. John

"I am glad to hear that I was wrong. This seems like a great life, but I am scared and disheartened." Nat told JC. "I don't want to leave my family, my friends, my school, my life, or John. I am not ready to give my life up. I love being a teen and playing basketball and spreading the light of the Good. I am not ready."

"It can take years for the powers to transfer and for it all to be complete, so you don't need to worry about that. You can still live your life the way you want for many years. All you really need to do is check up with me every once and a while to work on your powers and discuss what your life will be like, and responsibilities. When you get older, if you want, all this could be like a regular job. You spend enough time throughout the week doing your duties, and if you want, you could probably have a normal family and life 90% of the time. I will need to check on that though." JC assured them.

Natalie felt a big wave of relief. She did wonder though how JC would check that.

The two ended up making amends, getting much closer, and spent hours talking. Everything was patched up perfectly. Jaci Sasi gave Nat surprising news and gave her such a smile.

Natalie then got a text from her parents. John was home. She had seen him at the funeral, but he had to go back for a little bit longer because of the seriousness of his burn with its intensity. A huge smile graced her face. She told JC what happened, promised to be back in a few days, and raced home. John had a patch or two of bandages, but the two embraced in a huge hug the moment they could. They had some catching up to do. 

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