Holiday Special

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Fir and pine trees decorated themselves with chilling white coats

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Fir and pine trees decorated themselves with chilling white coats. There were a multitude of ringing bells and chatter outside on the glorious flourishing streets. It was a sight to see. The girl who embodied dawn had let out a sound of awe.

It was her first time seeing snow in .. years.

And just like the first time she had seen it, she was alone this time as well.

It felt silly. How could she have been traveling the world but to not have seen snow since she was a child .. that almost sounded absurd.

How silly was it that she even decorated a house and put up a tree with presents beneath it for no one but herself to open?

Gon had stopped by earlier before he took a ship at the port to Whale Island, spending the Christmas with his family.

"It's not too late to change your mind and come with me, Aurora." Gon's hands were cold, but he warned them up against the hot chocolate mug Aurora had whipped up for him. As caring as ever, dropping in to check on the girl.

"I don't want to intrude.. besides, i'll be fine." Aurora smiled.

Gon disapproved of that smile as he furrowed his brows. "There you go again. Lying to yourself, hard headed and stubborn."

The brunette was the only company Aurora had in weeks. "I know I can't convince you .. and when I leave, you'll probably let out the truth somewhere within these walls all by yourself." Gon only sighed, looking down at the table that had collected dust.

It was a table of four .. although the house was only for two. But yet as of a while .. it had just been one ghost tending to the house herself.

"Merry Christmas .. Aurora." Gon slid her the gift in which she opened only to grace a warm smile upon her face. It was beautiful, outlined in a gold border.

"Killua move it! You're squishing me!" Aurora exclaimed.

"Why the hell do we have to do this again?" The assassin mumbled distastefully beneath his breath.

"Because it's our first Christmas together, all three of us! Now move over!"  The boy let out a grunt as he did as he was told, resulting in kicking Gon out of the frame entirely. The young brunette sulked as he pouted, whining about how he wasn't wanted in the photo.

Aurora rolled her eyes and yanked him in. Gon quickly let go of his acting. The cameraman deadpanned, waiting for them to get into position the umpteenth time.

Killua pinched her right cheek, Gon her left, Aurora held up a peace sign. "Merry Christmas!"

Aurora let out a giggle. "I didn't know you kept it! I thought the camera man got so annoyed at us that he didn't even take the picture!" They were fifteen when the photo was taken. Time passed by more than quickly. It was when they had reunited with Gon after traveling separate ways.

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