Chapter 2

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There had been a time not too long ago, Killua was suffocated by the expectations of his household

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There had been a time not too long ago, Killua was suffocated by the expectations of his household. The simple task of breathing became difficult as the years passed. He saw children his age, laughing, having fun with people they referred to as friends. All of which he had been deprived of.

Unknowingly harboring a strong desire for love; comfort, closure and just someone-- anyone to help guide him. A guide he himself didn't realize he needed consciously. No longer did the Zoldyck want to kill anymore-- he wished to be like the kids he saw when he rarely stepped out of the estate. They were happy, free and loved. He envied them, truly.

Killua dreamed of his freedom and he never thought that he would be living his dream, even if it was only temporary.

Being enlightened with company of people who didn't recognize him-- that weren't the freakish tight laced butlers or family was ... nice. Talking to a stranger who seemed as though she understood him in a way brought him more relief than it should have. Aurora didn't constantly keep him on his toes and being around her made sleeping seem easier due to the fact that he wasn't always constantly monitored.

"-lua, -illua, Killua! Whats wrong with you today? Are you nervous?" The ebony haired girl purely questioned as she snapped the boy out of his trance like state. Killua blinked and looked at his surroundings. That's right ... He was so lost in thought that he had completely forgotten where they were.

A dark cavern, dimly lit and crowded with scatters of people, each sending different glances one after the next.

The Hunter Exams.

"What? No way! I just hope the test is hard. Otherwise I came here for nothing." Killua shrugged as Aurora looked at him with a raised brow. "You called me weird, I could say the same about you." The amethyst eyed girl huffed as the boy stuck his tongue out at her in which she replied with smacking him over the head.

Although the contact had felt like a light graze of wind as Killua furrowed his brows, grabbing her bicep. "Hey! You can't pass the exam if you're that weak Aurora!" Poking her flesh after evaluating the amount of strength that was in the smack.

Aurora was mostly skin and bone with a healthy amount of muscle. She had the normal strength of a twelve year old child and he was right, there was no way she was going to pass with that type of strength, nor did she intend to.

Not without the help of Nen that is.

"I'm not that weak, you're just really strong." She pouted as he let go of her arm as pink dusted his cheeks at the sudden compliment. He didn't really know what to say when he handled flattery. He wasn't praised often back at home but instead told to push harder and work more.

The words and routines still unknowingly engraved themselves into the shallow corridors of his temperament laced mind like the grimes of stone walls leeched with tedious moss.

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