Chapter 26

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As they climbed the mountains the thick dense forest surrounding them began to feel uneasy

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As they climbed the mountains the thick dense forest surrounding them began to feel uneasy. A small voice rung out in her head. It was Ignis' who was scouting the area. "Kite. There are over twenty Chimera Ants surrounding us. About fifty meters to the North surrounding the East and West side of the mountain as well. And .. Look up." Aurora pointed as they jumped backward.

Something had shot down from the sky. The smoke blinded them and their surroundings, disguising the voice that had spoken. "Now, let's decide order and methodology. As for our targets, you have three choices. One, decide the order in which you will fight. Two, attempt to escape. Three, give up and let us capture you."

The second option was practically impossible. The third option was even more impossible. If anything, they would end their own lives before they would allow both them and their Nen to be fed to the queen. "If you choose option one, you will fight one on one battles with us for a chance to survive. I don't recommend the second option. You'll anger us and suffer a brutal capturing. Option three is an even worse option. It would anger us more than option two."

They saw the 'us' he was referring to as the smoke cleared up. Standing in front of them with their vicious and hungry eyes, glowering at the four of them were dozens of Chimera Ants. "So which will you choose?" It chuckled arrogantly.

Kite turned around, "We couldn't have asked for a better deal. One-on-one fights with their Captains. We'll start with whoever is prepared to fight." The ashen haired man said with a shrug. "I'll go." Killua volunteered until Gon had done so as well. "No, I will." The two boys turned to each other fiercely, battling it out with rock paper scissors as Aurora stepped forward lazily.

"Forget them. Now, who wants to fight this little girl?" Aurora asked cheerily. The two boys snapped their head in her direction. "Hey!" Gon shouted at her. She looked back and stuck her tongue out playfully. "Aurora!" Killua scowled at her. She didn't really regard it too much though.

She turned around, shrugging off their protests. As they pulled out a stick. "Number fourteen!" The leading Chimera Ant shouted as apparently the supposed number fourteen stepped out of the shadows. Aurora looked at it with a cock of her head. "A Komodo Dragon and a scorpion hybrid? A deadly venomous duo, fun." She rolled her eyes sarcastically as the crowds began to step back.

Its snake like tongue slithered in delight. Aurora examined the creature. There was no way she could break through those tough scales and skin without the Chimera biting her, killing her off in an hour at most. "Ah, what to do, what to do." She sung aloud as the Chimera's tail wrapped around her. The tip of its sharp tail was a few inches from her face as she grabbed it. "Freeze. I need time to think, be patient." She scolded it.

As her touch froze the coiled base of the tail, the Chimera hissed out in pain at the burning sensation. "You stupid little girl. You won't be smiling when you beg for mercy as I eat you." It growled, tossing her into the forest into the nearest tree, dashing after her, ready to ram her into the trunk of the tree, crushing her.

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